Chapter 5 - Emiko Hoshimi

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"Emiko! You're a Raccoon!?"

Emiko's face became confused at the comment "Yeah... And you're a Turtle."

She folded her arms and looked a bit unimpressed but as soon as Sly got himself up again he held onto the back of the seat, still processing the shock. She was even more beautiful when she looks like herself. His eyes couldn't help but stare in shock and amazement, her light gray hair looked much better without the dye, her face had the usual black fur for a Raccoon's mask but her's had slight arrows down her nose which was quite unique. She still had the white fur patches and the now fully revealed small heart shaped fur patch sat on her left cheek just under the mask, her ears looked the same as a a cat, black with white fur on the inside. Her three striped tail swayed behind her.

"H-How are you a Raccoon? I mean we thought Sly-"

"Bentley... Just because he's the only Raccoon you've ever met doesn't mean he's the only Raccoon ever. His dad had to have been with another Raccoon to have him like my Parents. They're both Raccoons. I thought you were the smart one Bentley." Emiko walked over to them as Sly got back to his original sitting position, She climbed onto the spare space on the sofa behind Bentley and in front of Sly.

"Well of course Bentley's the smart one but we all just never thought that we'd ever see another Raccoon, especially me." Sly stared at her astonished.

"Well you're welcome for letting you meet your own species..." She raised a brow, starting to get weirded out.

This went on for a few more minutes almost an hour till Emiko had to put her foot down. "Alright stop asking the obvious! Yes I'm a Raccoon, Yes my family members are also Raccoons the Clan is filled with Raccoons! It's just genetics! Raccoons can't have children with other animals! Yes Raccoons can have offspring with Dogs but that just because we are close in genetics that Tanookis can be born and also have children. But other animals no! And even if they could the child would be infertile stopping the Hoshimi name in its tracks! No more stupid stereotypical honoring the family name, giving honor this and honor that! If my Dad didn't meet my mother and fell for a cat, fox or something. I wouldn't have been born he wouldn't even have children. It's common knowledge you don't have to go to medical school to figure this out! It's in sex ed!"

Murray poked his fingers together "We all grew up in an Orphanage"

She blinked "You all don't know your parents?"

"Actually i did but they were killed"

"Oh... Then why didn't the orphanage give you sex ed?" They all shrugged and Emiko raised one of her black hands, the fur stopped about an inch after her wrist.

The gang shook their heads "but it didn't stop us from knowing how to feel about another person that comes natural. But pregnancy is a different story, I thought that it just had to be a guy and a girl and then you know. Get busy." Sly sheepishly admitted. "You have the internet right? Google a sex ed video when i'm not around I already know about the stuff anyways." Emiko's raised hand continued to move and went through her hair, moving her fringe from her face messing her hair up a bit. But to their amazement it went back into place perfectly, how can be someone be so visually perfect? She looked like every mans dream.

She pulled her knees to her chest and hugged her legs, looking over to the TV everyone got back to playing their game.


"So~ Emiko." Bentley started to ask, finally getting around to asking their new member something that has been bothering them since they started looking for her.

"Yeah nazels, what is it?" She said while looking up from her phone. Sly was laying on the sofa, taking a nap, Murray was sitting on the floor in front of the sofa watching some show on TV. While Bentley and Emiko were sitting at the table that the Cooper Gang has sat around many times before a job, Bentley took this chance to find out more about her and she was quite charming and intelligent.

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