"i love you idiot " (sasuke )

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"And where do you think you're going "
"Anywhere to get the hell away from you ! Youre so cold and in trying to help !"
With that you slammed the door furious at the raven haired boy , you were about to return to the village from your mission with team 7. Doesn't he see ! You two grew up together , lived in the same house since both your clans were killed off . maybe you have caught feelings for him in the process... But why? He was a jerk most the time
You were to busy thinking to notice the tears running down your face , you were also angry and when you got far into the field you punched a tree causing it to fall.
You did it to a few more , your knuckles drilling with blood . before falling to your knees and sobbing quietly ,
"He's all I have ... "
You mumbled quietly before you felt a presence behind you and jumped up throwing a punch , to your suprise it was sasuke and he caught your fist .
His eyes widened slightly
"(Y/n) I..why are you crying ? Your hands are bleeding "
You quickly wiped your eyes
"Its nothing sasuke .."
He sighed and quickly pulled you into a tight hug , you tensed but relaxed and began crying
"Why do you hate me ! You act like I mean nothing to you around them !"
He stayed silent .
"I don't hate you "
"You're all I have sasuke .so just be honest .."
He pulled your chin up to look at him , his serious expression startled you a bit
"I don't hate you god damnit , I love you idiot!"
He suprised hisself with his words but leaned down and placed his lips on yours .
You froze but after minute you kissed him back , when he pulled away he wrapped your hand up and put you on his back
"(Y/n) come on you need some sleep "
You smiled and rested your chin on his shoulder ,kissing his cheek as his cheek flushed slightly . you two then went back and the next morning headed back with the others

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