"It must be getting late, it way past kids bedtimes if Ebony is already knocked out completely."

I picked up Ebony carefully not to wake her up. I told Naomi that I would take her to the car for them to help them out a bit. Naomi looked at me gratefully as Zya announced that everyone should go home and get some rest and there is a pack meeting tomorrow afternoon. Markus looked straight at me as I narrowed my eyes at him but kept going out the doors. We said our goodbyes to the pack on their way out, once I had got Ebony to the car. Once Markus was leaving Zya stopped him. Markus looks at Zya then at me as I noticed Scarlet was looking down avoiding my eyes. Zya smiled a fake smile and said

"I would like to compliment you on the last mission, Markus, I am grateful for your service. I see you have found a gorgeous young lady."

My eyes widen a bit as a growl escaped my lips once I saw Scarlet blushing at the compliment that Zya said. Markus looked at me suddenly as I said through clenched teeth.

"Forgive me, my wolf is still ticked off from earlier events today."

Markus nods and finally leaves us a then asked once he was out of hearing range.

"Are we leaving now and meeting him at his place?"

"No, he is coming over thinking he is getting another mission."

I nodded my head as I received this information as we walked to the car. I then say

"May I change? I don't really want to get blood stains on my new dress"

Zya grinned and said softly

"Of course,"

We arrived home finally as Zya lead me hand in hand into the house and all the way to our bedroom at the moment. Once inside the room Zya handed my some cloths smile and kissed my forehead and said

"I'll see you down stairs soon ok?"

I smiled and nodded as he left the room. I pulled off my clothes carefully trying not to tear the dress. I pulled on this black skinny jeans and the dark blue v-neck shirt on. I sighed at the comfort it gave me as the smoothness of the material clung tightly to my body. I slipped on some comfortable black pair of vans. I headed towards the door as I heard a voice speak making me stop dead in my tracks. He had said

"So... You decided to be Zya's mate now?"

It was more like a statement then a question. I hesitated to looked back. Once I looked behind me just to see Orenji leaning on the bedpost with his arms crossed. I glared at him hatefully and hissed out

"Yes... What the hell are you doing here and what do you want Orenji?"

Orenji snarled to himself as he stood up straight and hissed out

"You agreed to be my mate first, how dare you do something like this to me, to dare play with me like this!"

Orenji smacked me hard making me growl out. How dare this prick hit me, no one except Zya can hit me... my wolf was screaming to come out. I then hissed out

"He was my mate before you... Zya will kill you once he..."

Orenji interrupted me by saying

"Zya...? Ha! Zya is a bit tied up at the moment with Markus and Scarlet."

I growled deeply as my eyes narrowed with fury. I then remembered that Aida and father had to be home by now. First I would have to get out of this room. I heard crashing down stares as I heard Zya growl out loud and fiercely from downstairs filling the quiet up here. Orenji laughed out loudly probably to make sure that Zya could hear him. My nose twitched as I backed against the door as Orenji started to slowly walk forward thinking he has me pinned. Orenji grinned evilly as he says

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