"No. At least... not yet"

As always, when lunchtime came around, Owen and Adrian would hustle into the grand hall and find Penelope on the steps with her witches to then take her and pull her away with the boys. The three stood in line for their food with plates in hand, the Aquilo boy scanned the room for a table and a specific person. Once he found said person, the boy decided to cut in line to get his food quicker and sit down at the table before the person left the grand hall.

The trio approached a table in the corner of the hall where Hope Mikaelson sat. She looked up, confused as to why they were all there. Recently, it had been just her and Adrian but his friends had started to hang out with the girl too.

With a grin plastered on his face, the brunet boy sat down in front of the auburn-haired girl. She sighed and closed the book she had been reading to give the boy her attention, "What?" Hope furrowed her brows at the boy when he wouldn't answer her, "Please wipe that grin off your face"

Adrian cocked a brow, the grin still playing on his lips, "What grin?"

"The one that indicates that you're about to do something stupid" The boy only nodded at this and the girl decided to not say anything further for she knew that he was about to tell her why and what he was there for.

Grabbing the tribrid's hand, the Aquilo boy's expression turned into one of those sad puppy faces, "Come with me to a party"

"'Hi, Hope, I came by to check if you were alive after I just left you in the woods'" Hope spoke, in an attempt to mimic the boy, "And thanks, by the way, for leaving me in the woods"

"You got back home, didn't you?" The female glared at Adrian but soon nodded. The boy smiled, patting the auburn-haired girl's shoulder, "Then you're welcome, now come with me to a party"

"Who's throwing it?"

"That's the problem" Owen spoke, "It's a wolf initiation party to celebrate the newcomers and welcome them into the pack but everyone's invited"

"I don't get it" Hope said, "What's the problem?"


"Jed is throwing it" Penelope answered.

"Oh" The auburn-haired girl faced the Aquilo boy once again, "Then you shouldn't go"

"Like hell" Adrian dropped the cutlery on his plate, "I'm gonna go and I'm gonna enjoy every single part of it"

"Then you're going on your own" Hope expressed, "Cause I don't want to see him kick your ass"

The brunet scoffed, "Then don't"

The tribrid let out a chuckle when the boy rose from the table with his tray in hand, "Adrian... You can't be angry at me for not wanting to see you get beat up"

The boy's expression hardened, "Why do you just assume that it's going to happen? Why do you assume that we're gonna fight?"

"Because we both know what Jed is like" Hope answered, "He sees potential in you. Potential for you to be an alpha. He knows that you're better than him at this and he's waiting for you to challenge him"

"Then I will"

"No!" The three friends shot up from their seats, objecting to the idea of going off to find Jed and starting a fight.

Penelope sat down with a sigh and extending a hand to keep Adrian from walking away to find the alpha, "Okay, look, I can't even believe I'm saying this but why don't you try being his friend?"

𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐦𝐞 𝐚 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧, hope mikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now