Chapter 58: Worlds Away

Start from the beginning

Within a few minutes, I finish downloading all of the photographs, and then check my e-mail quickly.

I reply to a few important ones, and then check my schedule.

I'm supposed to have a baby photo-shoot for a newborn boy in about five minutes.

I jump up, grabbing my camera from it's spot in my office, and heading down the hallway towards one of the photography rooms.

I set up my camera, and get everything ready for the shoot.

Within a few minutes, I hear the sound of Cole's voice moving down the hallway towards the photography room.

Cole usually escorts most of the clients into the right room.

"Here you are!" Cole says, opening the door for the family of three that has just entered the room.

The mother's name is Sandra, the father's Dylan, and I am about to discover what the newborn's name is.

"Thank-you, sir!" Dylan smiles, thanking Cole.

Cole nods, before leaving.

"Hello Abigail!" Sandra smiles, walking over to me.

Her little baby is bundled and cuddled up in her forearm.

"Hey Sandra!" I say, walking over to her and hugging her.

"Oh my, who is this little one!?" I say, looking down at the baby boy.

He's adorable.

He smiles a toothless smile up at me, and giggles.

"Oh hello!" I giggle, as Sandra passes him over to me, carefully.

I rock him gently, as he giggles and his eyelids flutter each time he blinks.

Watching this little guy only makes me want to meet the little one inside of me even more.

His skin is sweet, and his fingers are petite.

"This is baby Austin." Dylan laughs, as he stands next to Sandra.

"He's precious!" I say, looking back up at the couple in front of me.

"Thank-you, Abigail." Sandra laughs, as I carefully pass Austin back to her.

"Shall we get started!?" I ask, as I lead the three of them over to where I have set up for the photo-shoot.

"Sounds great." Sandra smiles.

Within a few minutes, we have positioned Austin in the middle of a bunch of baby blocks, and he is smiling and giggling for the camera.

I take a few photos, as Sandra and Dylan stand beside me.

"Oh my, he's so photogenic!" I laugh, taking a few photographs.

"Thanks Abby." Sandra laughs, quietly.

I move my camera closer, and bend down slightly to get a better angle.

Within about twenty minutes, I finish the photo-shoot, and Sandra scoops up Austin from his position in the middle of the baby blocks.

She then turns back to me, smiling.

Her jaw drops, and her eyes widen, suddenly.

"Forgive me if I'm wrong, but Abigail, are you expecting!?" She asks, widening her eyes.

I nod, smiling.

"I am!" I reply.

"Oh my! Congratulations!" She says, as she carefully carries Austin back over to where I am standing.

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