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This rant is to all of the people who think that it's okay to tell a person to kill themselves or anything mean. Just recently one of my friends was told to just kill herself for defending a person who they had also told to "become less of a problem" over the internet. Now in my opinion that is just low.
To those of you who have had this done to you I want to tell you that there is no reason to do what they say. They don't know you and have never met you. Even if they say it to you face don't listen. They have no idea what they're talking about. Please just stay alive and DON'T kill your self. You are special in every way possible. I love you and I know that your friends and family do to.
Just remain strong. Killing yourself will not solve anything. People will tell you over and over again that you will never make it but just like Andy said, if you have a dream and you are passionate about it then follow it. You are the only person that can stop you. I just had to get that out because my friend has been very upset (can you blame her?) about this and it was bothering me as well. To think that a human being can be so cruel as to do that is inhuman. Please just remain strong as I've probably said three times in this whole rant. I love you all.

Keep calm, wear converse, and stay alive to thrive no matter what!

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