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Okay so my best friend (PanicAtTheFallOut32) said that she would kill me and her other friends if we didn't answer the following questions. My answer to each question will be below the question. Okay so let's get started!😜

Q1. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?

A1. So once in 5th grade I didn't have any shirts that fit me clean so I wore my sweats and only a jacket. Eventually I got really hot in the jacket and I couldn't take it off. The whole day sucked.

Q2. Who do you hate most at our school? (We all go to school together XD)

A2. Well in my opinion this is a terrible question cause if they read this book on Wattpad they'll see this and I'll hurt their feelings! But I have to say Alex Fogelbock.(idk if I spelled that right)

Q3. Spirit animal?

A3. I don't know what that is.....

Q4. Favorite band?

A4. Really! This question? There are so many!!! Black Veil Brides, Piece The Veil, Falling In Reverse, PATD, FOB, MCR, and TØP!!!! But my favorite so far it Black Veil Brides.

Q5. Emo, goth, punk, or rock? (As in which classifies you?)

Q5. I'd have to go with punk or rock.

Q6. Fondest memory?

A6. Okay so when I turned maybe like 5, my parents got me this Disney Princess car. We were at my grandmas and I decided that I wanted to drive it outside. I was born in November so here we all are outside bundled up in coats and I'm trying drive the car. Well as it turns out when you turned the steering wheel left the car goes right and vise versa. So my little 5 year old brain didn't know it was doing that and I continually ran into the blocks they had on the ground to separate the yard from the drive way. Anyway, at the time I hated the car with a firey passion but now as I look back on it I just laugh. Like a witch, a lama. Choking on a golf ball. (Inside joke).

Q7. Favorite food?

A7. I hate this question.... Ummm..... Green apples I guess.

Q8. Favorite person on Wattpad?

A8. I'd have to go with PanicAtTheFallOut32. Sorry.

Q9. Pet peeves?

A9. Crayons or markers out of rainbow order. When headphones break. When people call me and my friends "emo fags". And when things aren't in order.

Q10. Do you like potatoes?

A10. Is this a trick question?

Bonus Q. Favorite quote?

Bonus A. "Live your life. Listen to your music way to loud. Be as crazy and 'different' as you want, and always remember you're not alone." -Andy Beirsack

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