Is it okay if I cry here? That is what I feel like doing now. I just found out my bestest friend since kindergarten is moving next year!!!! I'm so sad..... I've known him forever, and yes it is a him. He is going to a new school that has a better sports variety. I understand this because he loves to play sports, unlike me, but I'm still sad. He's my little ray of sunshine and is one of the only guys that is actually nice to me and other girls. He isn't a jerk like most guys. I don't know what I'm going to do when he's gone..... When we were near the end of 1st grade he moved to Florida but then he came back in 3rd grade. This time I don't think he will come back..... What if I never see him again? Let's just say this friend might be the crush I mentioned a few chapters ago. I'm not just saying this cause I like him though. I'm serious..... Me and him tell each other everything and I don't want to lose that.

  I'm sorry for not updating Tuesday by the way....

On to other things...... If you guys have like any questions can you please leave them in the comments and I can answer them in a rant chapter thingy! :) I don't know what to talk about really cause I'm like the most boring person on the planet.... Alright I've got to leave now , so.......

Keep calm, wear converse, and stay alive to thrive!!

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