Chapter 6

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Triple H was going on and on about how he destroyed Roman Reigns last week and how you're not supposed to challenge authority. And Dean couldn't take it anymore. Nobody talks trash about Deans beloved.

Dean walked (limped really) down to the ring, interrupting the Cerebral Assassin, Triple H.

"Oh hey uhh before we get started out here, I just wanna let you know that I just got off the phone with Roman Reigns...and first of all, he says 'hi' and second of all he wanted me to tell you that he's coming for you. I figured you'd know what that meant, that's yalls deal so-"

Triple H cleared his throat "Yeah Ladies and Gentlemen fresh off his win last night at the Oscars for best supporting actor in a Bromance, Dean Ambrose."

The crowd cheered and Dean laughed.

"Actually I wanted to have this chat with you last week, but a funny thing happened when I was coming to the arena. I got mauled by a grizzly bear in the parking and one thing led to another............and then you decided to grab a ring bell and jam it in Romans neck and break his nose......"

"So I just wanted to ask you a question...who did you want to win that triple threat match at Fastlane? No no, better yet who did you not want to win?" Dean pried.

Triple H looked annoyed "You came out here wasting my time for this? It's an irrelevant question, the truth is Dean, it was a triple threat match but the only people that meant anything in that it were Roman Reigns and Brock Lesnar, so it was very easy to see right from the beginning that you were not a factor in it." Triple H stated.

Dean looked down smiling. What Triple H just said did hurt, but Dean wasn't gonna show it. He just got in Triple H's face.

"Can you see me now?" Dean asked, looking up into Triple H's stern eyes. "I know it's hard sometimes for someone like you to remember all the little people, but I'm DEAN AMBROSE" the crowd cheered. "And I'm pretty sure I'm the last guy you wanted to face a Wrestlemania" Dean said, looking Triple H dead in the eye.

Triple H laughed "You are crazy aren't you? You're mental aren't you?"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" Dean asked, annoyed. "Look maybe you're right, maybe I don't always make the smartest decisions. But you're smart, you're real smart. You're the cerebral assassin and you're smart enough to know that you never ever want to get into the ring with me and you're smart enough to know that you can't beat me" Dean said, causing the crowd to cheer. "Yeahhh I could see it all over you. I could see it in your body. I can even smell it on you. You don't think you can beat me." Dean said, smiling as the 'Ambrose, Ambrose' chants ring through the arena.

Triple H frowned "First of all that unfamiliar smell is probably laundry detergent and clean clothes. Second of all its money and power. Something you do not have." Triple H said, smirking smugly.

Dean looked down at the ground with a smile. The crowd began with the 'You can't beat him' chants. Dean smiled and Triple H frowned.

"Y'know you're saying some pretty mean things. I mean you sold me pretty bad. That's a lot of talk though, so how about some action from the COO?! How about me versus you?!" The crowd erupted. Dean wanted to avenge his lover, Roman Reigns. He wasn't gonna let Triple H get away with shattering Romans nose, but he had to add something else to the match. He should be in it for himself too right. So Dean came to the conclusion..."How about me versus you for that?!" Dean said, pointing to the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. The crowd exploded with 'Yes' chants. "And Roman Reigns won the right to fight for WWE World Heavyweight Championship at Wrestlemania, but that doesn't necessarily mean that you're gonna be the champion at April 3rd. So let's find out if I'm just talking crazy? Let's find out RIGHT NOW!" Dean exclaimed.

Broken Beauty and the Beast Incarnate: Lesbrose Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora