Chapter 5

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"Protect yourself Dean!"

The Dudley's voices were yelling at Dean, as the small man tried to shield himself from the fists.

Brock was watching from the back. He couldn't take what he was seeing, he wanted to look away. But he's imagining himself in the Dudleys place. The one hurting Dean. The one that Dean is trying to protect himself from and is trying to get away from.

Brock certainly doesn't want to hurt Dean, but he has to. And there's no way he can get out of it. If he wants to be the "Heavyweight Champion of the World", he has to take down Dean.

"Don't worry, Brock, I told the Dudleys to take good care of him before you go out there" Pauls voice snapped him out of his thoughts.

Brock knew by "good care", Paul meant that they would inflict a lot of pain on Dean. Paul didn't know that that's the exact apposite of what Brock wanted.

He watched on as Bubba Ray Dudley hung Dean upside on the ropes and performed a neck breaker. Bubba let Dean fall, and tried to attack as the referee checked on Dean, who was curled up, clutching the back of his head.

Brock clenched his hands, but continued watching as Bubba got on top of Dean and punched him in the face. Deans face contorted in pain, but all he got was another hard punch in the face. Dean covered his nose and mouth and tried to back away from Bubba.

"Protect yourself Dean! You think Superman's gonna save you!"

Bubba barked at Dean, as he went into another neck breaker. He went for the pin, but Dean kicked out, of course. Looking frustrated, Bubba roughly dragged Dean into the corner, holding both of Deans arms up. He tagged in Divon, who stomped on Deans stomach.

Brock was nearly sick to his stomach. Watching The Dudleys beat Dean up, while barking hateful words at him made Brock so angry. Brock wanted to go out there and beat the shit out of them, but he was going to eventually go out there. Paul had said that if he wanted revenge on Dean then he would have to go during the match.

Brock had just repaired his "friendship" with Dean, so he had to tell Dean he was going to come out there.


"Pretty boy!" Brock called out from the other side of the hallway, making his way towards Dean.

Dean turned around and smiled softly "Hey, Brock" Dean said, giving the large man a hug, having to stand on his tiptoes.

Brock wrapped his arms around the smaller mans waist, as Dean looped his arms around Brock's neck.

"What's up, Brock?" Dean asked, as he was detaching from the so called "Beast Incarnate" or as Dean sometimes called him "my beast".

"I'm sorry you lost your title on Monday. You okay?" Brock asked, looking into the smaller mans baby blue eyes.

Dean looked down "I'm fine, it's sucks though. But y'know the authority had to put me down someway." Dean said, shrugging his shoulders.

They were silent for a little bit, until Brock broke the silence. "I wanted to tell you that uh...I may come after your match to possibly attack you" Brock said quietly.

To his surprise Dean laughed "Real subtle, Brock. Real subtle." Deans laughing eventually died down. "I'm sorry" Dean said smiling and biting his lip.

Brock shook his head and chuckled. "You're so cute" Brock said, moving a strand of Deans hair and tucking it behind his ear.

Dean smiled up at Brock. "Thank you for telling me that you may come out later." Dean said before standing on his tiptoes and kissing Brock's cheek.

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