Chapter 15

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The past few weeks have been quite repetitive for Dean. Roman would be there for him no matter what. Whenever anyone would try and screw with Dean, Roman would be there.

Dean was beginning to develop feelings for Roman. The way Romans hand would brush against his when they walked side by side and the way Roman would smile at him from the other side of class would make Deans heart flutter.

Dean hadn't seen Roman so far yet, it was only second period anyway. The bell had just rung, and Dean quickly packed up.

He was heading to his third period class, English, when he heard his name being called.


A small smile appeared on Deans face when he turned around, it was Roman.

"Hey Dean" Roman breathed out.

"Hi Ro"

They chatted and walked to class. Romans left hand was on the small of Deans back, when they walked into class.

A bunch of 'ooohhhs' were heard when they walked in.

"Yo Roman! Are you fucking him?!" A beach blonde kid called out from the back of the class.

Roman rolled his eyes and sat next to the kid. He motioned for Dean to sit next to him as well.

"No Dolph, I'm not fucking him" Roman said. "Idiot" Roman muttered.

"Well sorry, bro. I wouldn't blame you, though if you is he free?" Dolph asked.

Roman eyed him oddly "Why?"

Dolph shrugged his shoulders. "Bro he's fucking hot"

Roman leaned in a bit. "Dolph buddy, I kind of like Dean, so..."

"Ohhhh, I got you, bro. Go for it." Dolph said, smiling.

Roman laughed "Thanks Dolph...but how come you're just now thinking about him?"

"This is like the first time I've seen him happy" Dolph said, shrugging his shoulders.

Roman couldn't help but smile to himself hearing that. He took a glance at Dean, who was taking his books out of his bag, and their eyes met. Roman smiled at him and Dean smiled back, blushing. Dean was so beautiful, seeing him happy made Roman feel an indescribable way.

Romans thoughts were interrupted when a loud group of people came in. Romans expression had changed from compassion to disgust when they came in. It was Seth Rollins, Randy Orton, and Kevin Owens.

Roman took a glance at Dean. He noticed that Dean had tensed up. Recently, Roman has come to find out that Dean gets nervous around them. Roman leaned over to Dean and rubbed his back, soothingly.

"It's okay, Dean, I won't let them do anything to do" Roman reassured him.

Dean looked at Roman with a half smile, then nodded slowly.

Mr. Regal, the English teacher, eventually came in explained to the class what they were doing today.

"Good Morning class, your assignment today is to create a project based on the three short stories that we've read and demonstrate how the authors depict the tone of the story" Mr. Regal stated. "This will be a group project, I expect three depictions for each story, so that means three people each group. Any questions" Mr. Regal asked and everyone seemed to have understood everything. "Excellent, you have 45 seconds to acquire a group"

Roman immediately looked at Dean and asked him if he wanted to be in his group. Roman then quickly realized they needed another partner. He scanned the room until...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2016 ⏰

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