Chapter Three

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I'mma warn you right now, that what you're about to read is pure smut, sooooo.. Yeah. I'm Niti, by the way and I wrote this chapter and um, hope you like it :)

Louis didn't know how everything suddenly happened so quickly, but soon enough they were stumbling into Louis' hotel room after having sorted everything out at the reception and grabbed the card. But, now they were closing the door behind them and leaving Louis' bag by the door because it really wasn't important at this point.

Their hands were clumsy, desperate claws that were trying to rip each other's clothes off as fast as possible because the air around them was becoming hotter and hotter with each second that passed by. Neither of them even got the chance to look around the room and it was really a miracle that Harry spotted the bed. Louis really wasn't the kind of lad to crawl into bed with a random stranger in France, but there was something about HarryHarryHarry which made it impossible for him resist. There was something about his curls (to which his hands were currently tightly tangled into), his smile, his dimples, him. There was something that made Louis act like this.

Once Louis was pushed onto the bed, he grunted and let out a small huff, propping himself up on his elbows when the boy didn't immediately drop over him, but paused to tug off his clothes instead.

''It's a really comfy mattress,'' Louis mused and let his teeth sink into his bottom lip as he watched the curly-haired lad unbutton his shirt and shrug it off his shoulders, his incredibly tight jeans following next. How did he even fit into them, Louis wondered. They looked like they had been painted onto his long, skinny legs.

Harry only laughed at Louis' statement and dropped his body over the smaller boy's, nosing upwards and letting his lips find the other boy's again -- those lips that were so soft and so thin and made his heartbeat pick up. His hands were pressed against the mattress on either side of Louis to hold himself up, the pads of his fingers digging into the duvet a little as he nibbled on Louis' bottom lip a little to gain access to his mouth, which he did, of course.

Their tongues danced together and Louis lay onto the mattress which felt like heaven under his sore muscles since he'd been sleeping in a rather uncomfortable position on the plane, but that was just the joy of travelling from one country to another, right? Pulling back from the kiss, he panted a little but was quick to attack Harry's neck with his mouth and bite into the skin there, sucking on the porcelain-looking skin to leave a mark that would be there for weeks and weeks and weeks to remind the curly-haired lad of this night. Which was what Louis was trying to receive, after all.

A soft grunt left Harry's lips, his head tilting to the side when he felt Louis' lips working on his neck. It wasn't the first time for Harry to crawl into bed with a stranger, but usually it happened when he was drunk or trying to get over something. But that had happened when he was back at England and had the life he hated. But when he started traveling, he'd never done anything like this. Then again, Louis seemed like something completely different, special. He snapped out of his thoughts when he felt a small hand grasping onto his groin, making his head drop to the feathery-haired boy's shoulder with a small whine. ''Jesus Christ, Lou.'' he breathed out shakily, his eyelids fluttering.

The other boy merely smirked as he nibbled on the mark he'd left on the boy's neck a little bit to soothe the wound slightly, his hands grasping and squeezing his crotch through the material of his boxers. He licked over his lips then and nosed against the side of Harry's face to get him to turn and pressed their lips together then. Harry's hands were resting beside each side of Louis' head to keep him upright on top of him. They were both in their boxers and Louis pulled his hand away from the other boy's crotch so that he could grind their hips together, his head falling back against the pillows.

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