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"Reid, I have to tell you something. You know, in case we don't make it out." I said.

"No. No, Mel. Don't you think that way. We will make it out of this. I promise." Reid said, sitting up and letting go of me.

"I want to tell you anyways. Just in case." I said. I sat up, too. "Reid, when you kissed my last night, it made me realize that, I love you."

Reid's eyes widened. He opened and closed his mouth twice, trying to figure out what to say.

"Really?" he finally said.

I nodded.

"It took me a while to realize, but none the less, I do love you." I said. "And, I feel stupid for not figuring this out sooner."

"Don't feel stupid. It can take years for someone to realize that they're in love with someone. The fact that it took you only 4 days is pretty good."

I smiled, tears falling down my cheeks again. Neither of us talked. I wrapped my arms around Reid's neck and pulled him in for a kiss. Everything seemed to melt away. The fear, the worry. It all melted away and turned into pure happiness.

*End of Flashback*

I slowly opened my eyes, but I didn't want to. I was having a good dream. It had Spencer in it again. We were in an elevator and I was telling him I loved him.

Was this a dream? Or was that how we confessed we loved each other? Was I remembering something?

That was the second time. The first time was when I first met Spencer.

There were still some holes in between those two events. I could remember the case we had done in Texas and the case we were on when we were in the elevator, but of you asked me to describe what it was about or who the UnSub was, well, I might be here a while trying to do that.

I took in my surroundings. There were three tables that were dimly lit by a small lamp on the one farthest away. That one had all my belongings on it. My gun, my phone and my keys.

Maybe, if I could get out of my restraints, I could get my phone and call someone. Spencer, Uncle Hotch, even dad. I could call SOMEONE! I just needed to make sure Justin didn't catch me.

Speaking of, where is Justin? He's always leaning over me with something to hurt me, whether it be that poker or his knife or his bare hands. I guess psychos need to rest.

I picked at my restraints, hoping and praying that I could get loose before Justin returned. If I could get far away from here before he got back, then I'd be free from his torture.

After about 10 or 20 minutes, I gave up. My arms were tired and I could feel the rope burning my skin, causing it to bleed.

I sat back and sighed, looking up at the dark ceiling. Why did this place look so familiar? Was I here before? With Justin, maybe?

"The first time ever I saw your face." I sang, slowly closing my eyes.


"I thought the sun rose in your eyes." I sang. Spencer smiled and buried his head into my neck.

He and I were lying in bed, both unclothed. Yes, we just It was seven months before our wedding and everything was perfect.

"What are you doing?" Spencer asked.

"Singing." I replied, my voice soft.

The radio was playing in the living room and it was the only source of noise in the house.

"And the moon and the stars were the gifts you gave." I continued. "Can this be our song?"

"What do you mean?"

"You know, when we get married. At the reception, there's gonna be a first dance were the bride and the groom dance. I want this to be our song."

Spencer smiled and lightly kissed my lips.

"Anything you want." he mumbled, sending shivers down my spine. I smiled and leaned into the kiss. Moments later, Spencer was on top of me and, well, you know the rest.

*End of Flashback*

Forgotten (Criminal Minds Fanfiction/Sequel to Boss's Niece)Where stories live. Discover now