Looking for Evidence

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*Rossi's POV*

Reid and I went out to Mel's car. It was pretty toasted. I didn't know how or if we'd find any evidence, but Reid sure as hell was willing to try.

It was okay that he was upset. Someone had attacked his fiancée, indirectly or not. But, honestly, I had never seen him that mad before. You could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.

He yanked open the driver side door with so much force, I swore he could've taken it off.

"Reid. Calm down." I said.

"I just want to find this baster." he muttered. He sat down and sighed, then looked at me. "Sorry Rossi. I shouldn't be getting mad at you. It's not your fault."

"It's okay. We all understand what you're going through. You have a right to be mad." I said. "Let's just focus on trying to find some evidence."

Reid nodded and stood up.

"The bomb had to have been planted while we were in the building. If it was in there before, it would've exploded while we were in it. The only question is, why wait? Why not plant it so that it'll kill us instead of just injuring us?" he said.

"And how would he plant a bomb and not be noticed? It's not easy to put a bomb in a car and not be noticed." I added.

"Unless our UnSub has been trained or taught himself to do this silently as not to track attention to himself. You'd be surprised on what you can find on the internet."

I put a hand on Reid's shoulder.

"Welcome back, Reid." I said.

He gave me a small smile and knelt down next to the car. He got down to look under it.

"Nothing here." he said. "Although, if the bomb was planted there, it would more than likely go off when we got out of the car."

I walked around the back of the car as Reid stood up. I looked around and noticed that the trunk seemed broken.

"Reid. Come take a look at this." I said.

He walked over.

"Do you think-?" I started, but Reid already knew what I was going to say.

Slowly, he opened the trunk. Inside was a black, but still half intact, time bomb. Reid and I looked at each other.

"Call Hotch." I said.

He nodded and pulled out his phone. He quickly dialed Hotch's number and hit the call button. It wasn't long until Hotch answered. Reid put him on speaker.

"Find anything?" Hotch asked.

"Time bomb. It looks detenated, but we can't be completely sure it'll go off again." I said.

"I'll get the bomb squad down to see. If it's okay, bring it to Garcia. She can see if there was any fingerprints left." Hotch said.

"We'll be here." Reid said and hung up.

*Garcia's POV*

I sat with my computers. I didn't know what else to do. I felt so sorry for Reid and for Mel. Mel couldn't remember anything and Reid had to get his fiancée to remember who he was before their wedding in three months.

"Hey." JJ said, walking in. "Reid and Rossi found a time bomb. Could you do some sweeps on it, see if theirs any fingerprints on it."

"Yeah." I said, nodding. "Sure."

I wasn't really listening to what she said. I was looking at a computer screen that was a bit higher up. On it was a news report about Mel. I had no idea how the news got out so quickly and I honestly didn't want to know.

"Garcia?" JJ said, placing a hand on my shoulder. I looked up at her. "Everything will be okay. Mel will be fine."

"I really want to believe you, JJ, but..." I trailed off, shaking my head. No matter how much I tried to convince myself, I had a feeling that we wouldn't catch this guy before he could hurt Mel again.

JJ left. Soon, Rossi was bringing me the bomb. I was still watching the news report, although Mel wasn't on it at this point. I was just thinking about Mel and Reid and how they were feeling right now.

After a while, I finally did a sweep over the bomb. Lucky for us, there were fingerprints left.

"Thank God our UnSub isn't the sharpest tool in the shed." I mumbled as I began trying to connect the fingerprints with someone.

My computers searched and searched until, finally. Someone came up and I did not want to see this someone.

"No." I whispered. "No, no, no, no, no."

I quickly called up Morgan.

"Hey Baby Girl. What do you got for me?" he asked.

"Um, Morgan, I don't think you're gonna like this."

*Sorry for the short and crappy chapter. Better one coming soon.*

Forgotten (Criminal Minds Fanfiction/Sequel to Boss's Niece)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora