Star Puzzle

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*Mel's POV*

Spencer and I had been at the apartment for about an hour and. I still didn't have that well of an explanation, just to stay away from the FBI building for a while.

I was sitting on the couch while Reid played with something at the kitchen table. I turned around to look at him.

"What are you doing?" I asked.

"Trying to out this back together." he replied.

"And what is 'this', exactly?"

"Star Puzzle. You have put all of the pieces back together to form a perfect star. Prentiss gave it to me. There's some sort of story behind it too."

"Do you remember the story?"

He looked up at me and cocked an eyebrow as if I had just offended him. I laughed and got up from the couch to sit down with him.

Before I could sit across from him, he pulled me down onto his lap and put both arms around me to continue the puzzle and to trap me on his lap.

"There was a young prince who wanted to win the heart of a fair maiden." he started. "He climbed to the top of this tall tower and caught a falling star for her, but he got so excited that he dropped it and it broke into these pieces. So, he put it back together to prove his undying love to her. He succeeded and they lived happily ever after." he chuckled. "Stupid if you ask me."

"I think it's sweet." I said, turning to look at him.

"It's not possible to catch a falling star." he argued. "It'd burn up in the atmosphere."

"It's obviously not real, Spencer. It's a fairy tale of sorts."

I turned back to see that he had the star completed. He rested his head in my shoulder and passed me the star.

"Take it." he whispered.

"Why?" I asked.

"I want to prove my undying love for you." he said. "So, I put together the star and now, I'm giving it to you."

I looked up at him, surprised.

"That's so sweet, Spencer." I whispered. "Thank you."

He smiled and kissed my cheek.

We sat that way for a while. Me on his lap with the star in my hands and him with his head on my shoulder.

I turned the star over and over in my hands, marveling at how beautiful it actually looked.

"How long am I gonna have to stay here?" I finally asked, breaking the silence.

"A while. Luckily, Justin doesn't know where our apartment is. But you can't go out with an agent with you. Even then, we'd have t be careful. We have no clue where he is or how he's watching us or any of this." Spencer replied, kissing my cheek.

"I just want this too be over."

"Soon, sweetheart. Soon."

There wasn't much silence before Spencer's phone rang. I jumped up as it was on vibrated and scared the crap outta me.

Spencer slightly blushed and held up his phone. I guess he thought that I thought it was...something else.

He stood up and walked into his room to answer the phone.

I sighed and flopped onto the couch. I guess I could try to have fun. I had an iPhone. iPhone's could get apps. I already had Candy Crush and Angry Birds. I could play those. Plus, Spencer had chess and I could try to put together that star puzzle.

"I'm gonna get really familiar with this place." I said to myself"

"You already have."

I shot up and seen a smiling Spencer standing in his bedroom doorway. I opened my mouth to say something, then stopped.

"That was JJ. They want me to go to the office. She's gonna come up with you." he said. "She won't be long, but keep the doors locked and your gun close. We don't know what Justin knows at this point."

I nodded.

"Yes sir." slipped out of my mouth. I felt myself blush as Spencer laughed.

"It's okay. You told me you were in Army Cadets. Still can't picture that little body in an army uniform."

"Hey! I'm tiny but mighty." I defended. This caused another laugh.

He grabbed his keys, kissed my forehead and left, locking the door behind him. The minute he was gone, I grabbed my gun and held it close as I went to do some exploring.

Forgotten (Criminal Minds Fanfiction/Sequel to Boss's Niece)Where stories live. Discover now