
As I walked in the gates of Rivendell my eyes were amazed and everything in sight took my breath away. I was enchanted by the beauty of Rivendell. I was looking around like a child seeing the world for the first time. Until a voice made me jump as if my spirit just jumped to the sky and back in my body, "Sorry If I scared you but can I help you?" she asked, it was that she-elf from the river.

"I..umm.. I'm looking for Prince Legolas" I said in a small voice as I looked down on the ground. feeling kind of guilty how my kind can kill Elves so easily but they were kind and nice creatures. I was even one, why do I even dare thinking of killing one? I killed a few back in my days but I was too little to understand who I really was, now that I know who I really was... where do I stand?

She smiled and clasped her hands together as she said "You must be the elleth that Legolas was talking about all day" I smiled sheepishly, hoping she wouldn't see through my facade. "My name is Arwen, Daughter of Lord Elrond, Evenstar of my people and land" she said as she bowed to me making me feel uncomfortable. Not only is she the she-elf who controlled the water but she was also the daughter of Elrond, who knows she might be more powerful than she looks.

"My name is Lostariel, Maiden of..... Mirkwood" I quickly said, it wasn't a lie but it was also not fully the truth. My mother was from Mirkwood so that kind of made me a woodland elf. "Really? I have never seen you in Mirkwood" she asked as she tilted her head to the side, damn elves with their curiosity and none of their business questions.

"I hail from a small village in Mirkwood not known to all" I said like the true elf I was, she smiled and said "I would like to visit your village one day" she said, I smiled back at her kindness though. she wasn't that bad. "it would be an honor my lady" I said as I bowed, she smiled even wider and grabbed my hand as she showed me around Rivendell, it was her idea since I told her it was my first time here. And the people are still in a council, we both ate fruits and salads in the kitchen talking about anything we could think of.

"My father barely lets me out, he think it is dangerous. the only time I have been out without an escort was when the ring bearer was in trouble and it was important and it came to life and death. So I was chased by Nazguls" she said as she popped a grape into her mouth. I giggled at this and said "Must be scary but it's funny because you heard many evil and scary stories about the Nazguls and you out run them its funny" we both laughed and I tried to keep the growl in my throat, I was still mad at my men for being stupid and clumsy.

Suddenly music can be heard from the distance, Arwen smiled and said "The party is starting, we should go! Put on your hood so we can surprise Legolas, he was worrying all day that you wouldn't come. "He didn't tell us that you were also beautiful" as she dragged me towards where the music is coming from, I put on my black hood and hid my face from prying eyes.

We soon entered the party area where many people were and soft music with bright lights. "Who is your friend Lady Arwen?" A hobbit asked. "This pippin is the elleth that Legolas has been talking about all day" she said, suddenly all eyes were on me, I then saw Legolas slowly walking towards me, "Lostariel?" he asked, I took off my hood, Many people gasped even Legolas did. He then smiled and grabbed my hand and kissed it and whispered "You look beautiful"

I blushed and this time I could feel my cheeks turn red. Soon everyone went back to what their doing, Arwen put her hand on my shoulder and said "I'll let you two have a moment together" and she walked off. Soon Legolas asked "How?" asked me about how my face looked normal. I chuckled and said "A lady came up to me and just put some kind of spell on me" he smiled and lifted me up in the air and said "You look absolutely amazing!"

In Dark Hands. [Legolas FanFic]Where stories live. Discover now