Chapter 8

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We walked on the ground because of my large protests that if we flew I was going to get stuck in a tree. It defiantly took us a while and when I was starting to regret my decision of walking I saw it.

A large platformed area where huts and piles of fruit laid. Colourful dragons were either eagerly flying around or sleeping in odd places. I looked around and a frown found its way to my face, there were no NightWing Dragons around.

"Echo?" I asked as I realized I'd fallen behind with my gawking at the new sights.

"Yes?" She looked back at me with that grumpy face of hers, but she seemed kind of nervous. Every time a dragon walked by her she flinched as if they were going to start yelling at her.

"Where are all the NightWings?" I asked hoping that I didn't pick a too sensitive subject.

"They dislike the RainWings and hate the RainWing Queen so they hideout in their own village" Echo paused and as she kept walking I seemed to try and decipher her words. The RainWings. Their own village. She defiantly didn't consider herself part of either species of dragon.

"The only NightWing you'll see around here is him" Echo nodded to a dark black NightWing who sat on his hind legs and crossed his arms, watching us approach the giant hut behind him.

"That's DeathBringer" I gulped. Did this dragon bring death? Is that why he sat in front of the queens hut? To ensure that any intruders would be brought to their death?

"Echo-Star where have you been? Do you know how worried my love has been?" He yelled at her angrily as he caught onto all fours and began pacing.

"My love?" I asked looking at Echo as she just sighed and mouthed 'don't even ask'.

"DeathBringer were here to see if Locket can stay for a while" after Echo said this it seemed DeathBringer was just noticing me.

"Oh... She's free right now, but RainDrop's in there... The queen wants her to learn some princess skills" as if on cue there was a frustrated yell. The curtain to the hut was ripped open and a purple and black figure ran into me. We both tumbled to the ground in a cluster and I yelped as I tried to move my tail.

"Watch the tail! Watch the tail!" I yelped as we stopped rolling. She stopped trying to untangle our limbs as I said this. She didn't seem to be in any pain so I breathed a sigh of relief I didn't stab her.

"What's wrong with your tail?" She asked cautiously not daring to move.

"Poisonous barb" I shortly replied before taking a deep breath. "I'm locket by the way"

"Raindrop, sorry for running into you... By the way" Raindrop slowly began to take her arm from under my wing.

"How are we supposed to get untangled without getting stabbed?" Raindrop nervously laughed.

"How about we find the tail first?" I suggested as she nodded. If the tail was near anything she didn't want to accidentally spread its poison.

"Raindrop!" A male voice yelled soon followed by a "Princess!" As I turned my head to see DeathBringer and Echo making their way to us.

"Are you alright Rain?" DeathBringer looked at her worriedly as she sighed frustratedly.

"I'm fine dad, can you help us find the barbed tail?" Raindrop asked with slight annoyance in her voice, but also the sound of worry.

As DeathBringer searched for my tail I studied the new dragon. She had a hybrid look like Echo with her dark scales with purple that had seemed to change a little bit white as if panicked.

"Found it!" DeathBringer yelled as I looked at him hoping he'd tell me. My wings were starting to hurt with being slightly open.

"Where?" Rain asked eagerly as she beat me to asking.

"It's right beside your back leg so if you slowly lift it Locket can begin bringing her tail into the open" we did as he said and soon we were both untangled and safe from poisonous barbed tails.

"Well that was fun" I laughed as Echo glared at me.

"What?" I asked her resisting the urge to bare my teeth at her.

"That's Queen Glory's daughter!" She whisper yelled at me as I came to realization and I gulped and slowly turned. DeathBringer was standing there with Raindrop and I quickly bowed.

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! Please don't execute me!" I quickly yelled, royalty always had a tend to hate me.

I heard light laughter and I looked up. "It's fine, I'm just glad your tail didn't get me!" She laughed before her eyes went still with realization.

"I'm sorry your going to have to excuse me, I have something I have to do" and with that she was off flying into the distance.

"Come on Locket, Queen Glory is probably wondering where her next appointment is." Echo said as she walked back toward the hut. I didn't really want to meet anymore queens after the prophecy, but if it meant exploring then onward. I began to follow Echo-Star into the hut.

*Thank you QueenGlory2016  for letting me use your OC Raindrop!! I hope I got her personality right!*

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