Nothing Says Summer Like A Party and A... Shark Attack?

Start from the beginning

"Let her cool off." Nicole said, going after her.

"Looks like You and I share." Michelle said to me.

"Sounds like a plan. And-- wait what about you Anna."

"I'll be fine on my own." She said, shrugging

"Are you sure?"

She nodded and we went inside and unpacked, after getting into our rooms and changing. 

"How did I ever let you idiots talk me into coming out here." Anna whined.

"Stop whining. Let's go enjoy the water." Michelle said dragging her along

I chuckled hearing her whining from up here. Once she came back shortly after there was a commotion.

"What's going on?" I asked some man.

"One of the surfers and her kid are out there and the woman hit her head. The kid can't swim."

"Where is Anna?" I panicked

"She's in the water I think." Nicole asked.

Before I could blink there went Anna running up the dock and diving into the water swimming out. 

"Is she stupid.?!" One guy yelled.

"There are sharks out there!" Another one echoed

"She's not gonna come back until she's saved them!" Nicole screamed.

"ANNA!" Bethany yelled

She never turned back except to bring the screaming and panicking child back. Then she went under again searching for the mother. I saw a shark fin and panicked.

"There's a shark! Is noone gonna try to help her!?" I yelled, knowing I couldn't swim as well as Anna

"Anna can handle herself." Michelle said

What seemed like hours was only a few minutes, the clear water was now red, and Anna was bobbing up and down in the water. A pained expression on her face.

"Guys! Get to the shore line and someone call an ambulance! or two!" One guy yelled as three of them rushed forward.

I noticed the blood was gushing from Anna as she tried to stop it.

"Where are those ambulances?!" The guy yelled as they preformed CPR on the one woman.

I rushed over to Anna.

"Are you stupid?! There were sharks out there?!" I yelled

"I know. And be careful. They bite." She tried to laugh

"Oh my god. Anna you're gonna bleed to death."

"At least I can say it was a crazy summer huh. Saved a woman and her kid and got bitten by a shark. oh what fun."

The ambulances finally came and took the two of them to the hospital, we followed. Luckily, the woman survived and so did Anna. Stupid Anna. I wanted to smack her in the face for being so stupid but she did the right choice and if it was me and I could've swam better I would've done the exact same thing. Maybe not in shark infested waters but still. That isn't the point. It's the fact she didn't let the kid or the woman drown and she could have like all the other idiots standing around watching instead of actually doing something to help. They let us take her home but she had to use crutches. She refused to leave until they let her see the woman she saved. They finally caved in and let her go in. The woman was very grateful and so was her family. Anna said her goodbyes and we left. Anna went to her room, I went to mine and Bethany's room, and Nicole and Michelle went to theirs. I didn't say anything to Bethany because I knew she'd just do what I said not to. I may not like it but hopefully she won't be stupid like Anna. 

*Andy's POV* 

Later that night at the party I only noticed one of the girls from the airport. She was clearly drunk. I walked over.

"Hey, You gonna be okay to get back on your own?" I asked.

"I don't know. Maybe. I'm bethany.!" She yelled, reeking of alcohol

"I'm Andy. Do you Stay at the hotel or somewhere else?"

"I stay downstairs!"

"Let me take you back."

"Why sure!? Just don't flirt with me! My best friend has a thing for you."

"Oh yeah?"

"Yeah she does!"

"I think I just better get you back first."

"I stay on the second floor!"

I helped her walk/slug towards the elevator and we got in, before I pressed the button for the second floor. The doors closed. So her name was still unknown to me. I felt so frustrated not knowing her name. The ding of the elevator broke me from my thoughts.

"What room number?" I asked her.

"Room 214."

I helped her to the door and knocked a few times, wanting to make sure she got in okay. I knocked again.

"I'M COMING! KEEP YOUR PANTS ON!" A voice yelled.

The door flung open. It was her! The one from the airport.

"Oh, um. Sorry about that. Just been kinda cranky sink earlier. I see you found a stow away."

"Yeah. She was at the party tonight."

I noticed she was on crutches and looked down.

"Where should I put her."

"Chunk her on the couch. I have to get some sleep."

I laid Bethany, now passed completely out, on the couch. I turned back to her.

"What is your name? It's been driving me crazy."

"My name is Anna. My friends call me Anna Banana. Probably Crazy Anna after today."

"I'm Andy. I haven't been able to keep my mind off you since earlier. I hope that is normal."

"Well, if it is then I've been having the same issue. Except I think Bethany already new your name, cause she told me."

"If you don't mind me asking. What happened?" I pointed to her leg.

"Oh um, well I overheard this guy at the beach saying this surfer's board crashed her kid couldn't swim and the woman hit her head when she fell so I Went out and when I got to the woman after saving the kid. The blood smell obviously attracted a shark so um, yeah."

"Ouch. Sounds painful. I've never had that happen to me here."

"Well, It took like 150-200 stitches to attach the skin. I can't go into the water the entire summer."

"Well, since you can't go to the water, maybe we could go for coffee. Say maybe tomorrow morning 11 o'clock. The little cafe down the street?"

"I think I'd like that. Oh here's my phone. you can just enter your number and I'll text you."

"Sounds like a date. So i'll pick you up at ten-thirty?"

She smiled.

"Sounds like a date." She replied

I handed her her phone back after sending a message to myself. I waved and she shut the door behind me. I walked upstairs to my room and saved her number under: Crazy Anna Banana Girl (: 

I layed down in bed and opened a message.

To: Crazy Anna Banana Girl (:

Sweet dreams! Can't wait until tomorrow! See you then. Good Night xx Andy (:

A few minutes later I recieved a text back

From: Crazy Anna Banana Girl (:

Sweet Dreams to you too :) See ya tomorrow. Night! xx Anna Banana(:

(a/n: I made it longer this time! Hope you guys like it! Aren't Anna and Andy so cute!? Well, I think so. If you don't then *blows raspberry* CAroline needs to lose the frown! xx Laurie! Comment. Vote. Fan meh! if you don't already follow! Goodnight! )

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