Four: Rising Suspicions

Start from the beginning

A few more words were shared before we left, Grand driving us, seeing as he was on his way to work anyways, so it really wasn't anything too bothersome. We waved as the older man dropped us off, and just as I thought, my father was still home. I walk behind Gamzee as we walked through the front door, despite my earlier attempts to try to persuade the Makara to sneak in my window with me, though I would have gone alone if he wasn't dragging me in through the door.

"Whaddya want?" I heard my father say, words half slurred.
"'Sup Mr. Vantas, just dropping Karbro off here." Gamzee said calmly.
"Leave the little shit in his room, I'll talk to him later."
"You won't be doing much talking." I mumble, thankfully quiet enough for it to go unnoticed by the man.
"A'ight. Let's go bro." Gamzee said as he placed a hand on my shoulder and we headed towards my room.

I instinctively locked the door behind me, drawing my curtains closed to block some of the blinding light out. I sigh and sit against the wall, looking down at my feet as I stretched out, Gamzee laying on his stomach right beside something.

It was silent for a while, neither of us making a move or a sound as we just stayed there, my eyes slowly closing as I drifted in and out of consciousness, one moment having my head lolling to the side, the room bright, the next moment, I was snuggled up against the older male, sitting between his legs and the room darker now as I opened my eyes. I whined a little as I tried to move, to find myself unable to, squirming a little as I looked up at my captor, the Makara's arms wrapped around me like a vice.

Sighing, I give up after a few moments, looking down and closing my eyes again as I looked down and give up. At least I can deal with this type of physical contact without flinching or flipping my shit, but this made my claustrophobia spike just a little.

"You good..?" I heard a mumble come from the male, his chest vibrating, causing a weird feeling against my ear as I nuzzled into his chest a little, too tired to really give a damn.
"Yeah, tired."
".. Okay."
"I wake you or some shit?"
"Nah, been in an out of catchin' those motherfuckin' Z's all day." He replied lazily.

I shake my head, mumbling for him to loosen his grip, having to take a few more times to ask before he finally complied, letting me turn so my back was to his chest. Yes, sometime it could be annoying with how tactile he was, but God better strike me dead if I ever turn this guy's touch down. My eyes scan what they could, finding my door open soon enough, freezing as I then turn my head to look at Gamzee as was about to ask before he patted my cheek.

"I left for the bathroom real quick an' your dad was long gone by then.." He explained.
"Oh..." I say, relaxing a bit.

It was a while before he had fallen back asleep, arms loose around me by now though I stayed put, digging my phone out instead and played a game to pass the time. I really couldn't believe it was almost eight P.M when I had checked the time, turning my brightness down almost immediately after I unlocked my lock screen.

Sometime after that, I must have fallen asleep because the next think I knew it was six in the morning, my father coming home later than normal. Hearing the slamming of the front door, Gamzee woke up, surprising me and almost making me jump out of my skin. Calming down, I looked down and pulled my knees up to my chest, listening to the older male stumble around. I think, and more or less hope, that the stumbling was because of drowsiness, instead of it being because of alcohol.

I watched as he walked past my doorway, slightly relieved if not ecstatic when he went into his own room and hadn't come out for the next couple of hours. Then, there was a knock at.. My window? No. I must be hearing things, who the Hell knocks at a window?

The knock came again. No.. That was definitely at the door, what the Hell was I thinking? Gamzee was fast asleep again, having moved him to the bad an hour ago, though having to wake him was Hell itself, not to mention having to convince him to sleep without having to worry about me again.

I moved from where I sat on the floor, about to get up and answer the door as the second knock came a moment later. I walk to the living room to find the door open and my father talking. My brows raise a little in surprise, he's never done anything like this for a while. "Dad..?" I say warily, causing the male to turn around.

His expression was one of shock, before his eyes narrowed some on me, my heart racing just a little faster before I looked past him to see two blonde males standing there, one being Dave and the other I was guessing had to be his guardian, a brother or something. They looked close in age, the way Kankri and I do, though the difference was easily noticed.

"Karkat.. Have you met the neighbors yet?" My father asked expression softening for the moment.
".. One," I mumble.
"Hey Karkles~" Dave said in a light, teasing tone, a smik plastered to his face.
"Karkat." I correct in a low, growling tone.
"Be nice." My father growled back at me, grabbing by shoulder a bit too tight, wincing slightly in pain as I didn't move.
"I am.."
"Why can't you be more like Kankri?" He asked, holding on to my shoulder tighter, though I still stayed where I was.
"Could we not..?" I ask, subtly mentioning the blonde crowd we had right beside us.

He stared at me like I was the crazy one, though he nodded once.

"Who's Kankri?" Dave asked.
"My shithead brother." I mumble.

Before I heard a response, I was biting my tongue, holding my breath as my father's grip only tightened even more, almost completely sure that my face was turning red by now, leaning against the doorway a bit more.

"You okay there bro?" Dave asked, getting a glare from me in response.
"Yeah, but if my father could let go for ONE goddamn moment, then everything would just be fucking peachy." I glare at my father.
"Oh.. Sorry." My father said, slight sarcasm in his apology.
"I'm going to go." I mumble.
"But aren't-" The older started.
"No. I'm not.."

I storm off to my room and slam the door behind me, shedding my sweater quickly and checked my shoulder, the skin there only a little pink, though I could tell it would bruise sooner or later.

••~ Dave's P.O.V ~••

Watching as the short male walked away, I was a bit put off by the way the boy's father has been holding on to his shoulder, I mean.. No one's finger tips turn white when simply laying a hand on one's shoulder.

"Sorry about him." Mr. Vantas said, sighing softly, almost defeated.
"It's alright, kids are kids." Dirk dismissed.

The two men spoke to each other, though I decided to drown them out instead of keeping track of the conversation between them.

I look past the elder Vantas, looking back at the man before speaking. "Sorry to be a bother, but can we come inside?" I asked, interrupting Dirk's statement.

"Hm? Oh.. Yes." He nodded and let us in.

I followed Dirk in before taking a seat, still ignoring the other two males in the room with me, though mostly just listening for any sound from the albino man. My guard was up, there was something if about the air here, and not because it smells like booze or anything.

I looked back to Karkat's father, eyes locked and narrowed on him. I was going to find out what was wrong about him.

Honestly, I had no idea why I was so concerned about this, I just got here and was already looking after this kid. Damn.. Whatever, once I find out- if there is anything to be found out- what was going on, I'll find a way to solve it.. Hopefully.

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