Chapter 9

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Hours later Blake walked back in the room and shut the door behind him.

"If it were up to me you'd stay tied up while I did everything I ever dreamed of doing to you, right here right now." Blake growled.
"Lucky for you Gabriel thinks he's in charge and  expects me back in five minutes.. Lucky for me five minutes is just enough to time to get a little bit of pleasure."

He quickly undressed him self and undid the chains around me. I pushed myself up off the chair and took a step forward falling immediately right into Blake.

"Remember how much you liked this last time we were alone?" He laughed pushing me down on my knees and entered me from behind

"Please, stop" I whimpered.

"I have to get going anyway." He said standing up and redressing himself.

He left the room leaving the door open.
I laid on the ground for a few moments before pushing myself up, retreating my clothes and going out into the main room.

"Karlie? Karlie!" I yelled beginning to panic I ran up the stair and began pounding on the door above me. "What did you do with her?!" I yelled "I did everything you asked me to! You promised you'd let her go..." I trailed off sinking to the stair I had been standing on. I pulled my knees to my chest and cried into them.

"Would you stop it already?!" Gabriel said slamming the door open.

I jumped up and out of the cellar and threw some punches at him. "You promised you wouldn't hurt her!" I yelled pushing him, he didn't budge. "What did you do with her?!" I screamed.

Before I realized what he was doing Gabriel had me in a choke hold and was pulling me through a hallway. We entered into another room and I fell to the ground when he let go.

Gabriel walked between me and the door glaring at me.

"What did you do to her?" I demanded

"I let her go."

"I don't believe you."

Gabriel walked over to the tv that was in the room and turned it on. He flipped through a few channels before stopping on one with a
photo of Karlie on the screen.

"We have breaking news." The reporter stated. "The five year old girl that had been reported missing was found about a half hour ago. She was wondering the streets crying until an officer found her. She was taken to the hospital with minor injuries but is expected to be ok."

The TV clicked off and Gabriel looked at me with arms crossed with a face waiting for me to apologize.

"You just threw her out on the streets?! She's five! What did you expect her to do, get help on her own?!" I yelled standing up.

"You should be thankful that's all I did to her." He growled "don't forget our agreement, I will not hesitate to bring her back here, and she won't be leaving again if that happens." He threatened.

"Ok. Got it. What do you want with me?"

"After you escaped I lost a lot of the respect I had earned, which means I lost a lot of money. I had to lay low. Now your going to make it up to me."

"How..?" I asked

"Glad you asked, I purchased a large amount of property a few states over in the middle of no where."

"Okayy? And what does that have to do with me?"

"I have clients that would pay big bucks to experience what you did to Blake and I without the consequences. So we're going to offer them just that. Think of it as a little role playing.  And now that we got that annoying little brat out of here we can begin." He finished grabbing my arm and pulling me out of the room and to the main floor of the house.

"Blake! We're ready! Let's get going!"

Blake came down the stairs and we all walked into the garage Gabriel climbed into the drivers seat.

Blake turned me around to face him and backed me up against the car.

"I don't think you'll do anything to put Karlie in danger... But, just in case..."

Blake grabbed a needle out of his pocket and jammed it into my neck. My body went limp and I fell into Blake. He opened the door and laid me across the seats before waking around the car climbing in next Gabriel.


"Hi Karlie, I'm detective Fields but you can call me Alison, I need to ask you a few question is that ok?" Alison asked sweetly.

"Okay." Karlie said through tears.

"Didsomebody take you away from your mommy?"

"Yes, some big scary guys."

"Did they hurt you?"

"No, but they hurt my friend."

"Who's your friend that they hurt?"

"Her name is Emma, she's really nice, she kept me safe."

"That's good." Alison said smiling. "How did they hurt Emma?"

"I don't know." Karlie cried. "I woke up and she was gone, I tried to all for her but she didn't come. The scary guys that took me came out of a different room that was in the floor where we stayed."

"Did you see Emma at all after that?"

"I saw her in the room before they shut the door. She didn't have any clothes on and she was crying. I tried to run to her but the dark haired guy held a towel over my mouth, then I woke up under a tree and I didn't know where I was." Tears rolled down Karlies face, "is she gonna be ok?"

"Where going to do everything we can to find her. You helped us a lot. I just need to ask one more question. Did you see the building that the men brought you to?"

"It was a blue house, I remember cuz it reminded me of my bedroom, it was really big and really pretty. There were lots of flowers."

"Thank you Karlie, your parents are right outside ready to take you home."


I came to hours later, my head pounding and a loud noise filling my ears. I was strapped into a chair. When my eyes had adjusted to the light. I looked out the window and my stomach flipped.

I pushed myself against the chair I was in and closed my eyes taking deep breaths.

"Afraid of heights are we?" Gabriel asked.

"No I'm fine, I, I just feel sick." I replied not
wanting that to be something they could use against me in the future.

"Well, either way we're almost to our destination."

We landed about 10 minutes later. We climbed out of the helicopter and began walking towards the house.

"Do you like it?" Blake asked when I froze in my tracks."We built it just like the one I lived in with Derek and Jason." He finished pushing me forward.

"Come on, we need to get started, our first guest arrives tomorrow." Gabriel said sounding annoyed.

EchoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora