say it

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***Daku's pov***

I look over at the doors as they close quickly behind my little angel. I was about to head over when a hand on my arm stopped me.

"He really does like you, huh" I look down and see Shedo staring in the direction where Hikari had ran off to. "If you don't go after him I will" Shedo warns with an evil glint in his eye.

I felt anger swim through me at the thought of Shedo comforting my Hikari.

"I was planning on going after him"

***Hikari's pov***

I sit down in a corner at the end of some random hall. I had no idea where I was, I just ran off without thinking. I curl my knees to my chest and wrap my arms around them. I was irritated at myself for reacting this way... I needed to calm down.....

"Hikari, why did you leave so early? The party isn't overeeerrrr~" I hear Daku and try to curl into a smaller ball. I was surprised when I felt irritation radiating off of him.

I stiffened as I heard him crouch by me.

"Why are you hiding your face, Hikari?" My eyes widened when I heard how pissed he sounded. It wasn't quite a growl yet, but it was still scary.

I look up, I wasn't sure what I expected to happen. I look into Daku's narrowed eyes. He was frowning and his eyes glowing with irritation.

"If you have a problem with me being around others, then say it." He leans closer so that his lips were an inch from mine, his eyes narrow even further, "say it!"

I flinch back as he raises his voice. "I-I don't have a problem, Lord daku" I whisper. I hear him grit his teeth as he stands, his even lightly red now, much too my fear.

"Is that so?" He grabs my arm and yanks me up, "so you don't mind me touching others how I touch you?" He presses me into the wall and leans closer. I have never seen this side of Daku before....

"You wouldn't mind if I slept with another?" He hisses in my ear. I start to tremble, I would mind, I want you to be mine, but I don't have that right!

"Would you?!" His voice was slightly desperate now. I flinch and tear creeps out of the corner of my eye, I wasn't crying because I was scared. I was crying because what he was saying is wrong, I would mind...

Daku's eyes widen in horror as I started crying, he instantly let go and I grabbed at the wall for support.

"Hikari I'm sorr-"

I leap forward and wrap my arms around him.

"I like you! P-please don't touch others!" I squeeze my arms tighter around him. He was frozen in shock, but it didn't take him long to recover and wrap his arms around me tightly.

"I would never touch another.... I love you Hikari..."

Heh heh, I was thinking about making this the last chapter, if you think other wise, let me know. And if so you can give me some story ideas. So this might be last chapter, might not. Let me know XD

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