The letter

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"What?!" Daku growls, his eyes turning slightly red as he looked at the contents of the letter. Me and Katsu stand informant of him, both dying to know what'd in the letter.

"Who is it from, and what do they want?" Katsu crosses her arm and tries to take the letter. Daku jerks his arm back, keeping the letter in his grasp.

"Its from Shedo, our cousin" Daku spits the name out as though it was poison.

"Aaaand what does he want?" Katsu says, her voice was strained.

What's so wrong with this Shedo guy? Isn't Daku the Prince of hell, why is he acting like he should be worried?

"He wants Hikari.... of course..." Daku sighs and closes his now deep red eyes. "It will never happen!" Daku wails and pulls me into his arms and rubs his cheek on my head, mumbling.

"Oh shut up and get ready for a visit!" Katsu grabs Daku by his hair and drags him, he tightens his grip on me and whines.

"I don't want him to come over!" Daku protests like a child, but I can sense the anger rolling off of him in waves.

"Whatever, you know if he wants something, he won't stop until he gets it, or if he," she pauses to look back at me, "loses interest".

Sorry for the short chapter, but I'm trying to level my unison league character up lol

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