Miles Away

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WHOA, WHOA, WHOOAAAA. KATTIE. YOU'RE SECOND POEM ON LOVE?!?!? WHAT'S GOING ON. I'm kidding. Whoever's reading this probably doesn't give three shits. But for those of you who do, uh-huh. Kattie's in love. Don't tell her I told you, ok? She doesn't like people knowing how she really feels. Ironic she shares her poetry, no? Haha. One thing guys, this poem really means a lot to me. I dedicated, hell, I WROTE this for someone very special so I fuckign beg you don't steal it. Porfavor. Thanks a million! 

Psssssssst... I Love you. c:


Miles away,

and what can I say?

All I do is sit here and hope,

try to hold on and simply cope

with having you so damn far.

Not being able to help you through this all.

I sit limply on my bed,

it feels as if weights lie on my chest.

My arms are tied behind my back;

I lay here paralyzed in fear

wishing you were here.

Cause I swear I’d hold you through it all,

not once would I let you fall.

Instead I must bear,

not being there

to help you move along,

so I need you to promise you’ll stay strong.

My hands are cuffed at the wrist,

I cry and make a ball of my fist.

Straight jacket tied on tight,

taken back by what I can’t fight.

I have nothing else but these words that leave my mouth,

I hope you hear them out.

I know they aren’t much,

but what can I do when such

a strong grip keeps my away,

it rips at my insides

Leaving me in dismay.

You know I’d do anything to be there,

I’d kill anything standing in my way,

including one’s I love or one’s I hate

But how can I fight something that’s keeps us together,

yet holds us apart?

Reality my dear,

it pulls the strings of my heart.

It’s something words can’t describe,

one thing I’m too scared to even try

to explain,

cause I swear I’d sound insane.

The pounding in my head won’t seize,

and these tears run down like razor blades,

but who’s the one to blame?

It’s a death, but not a murder.

It’s a house, but not a home.

It’s a life, but not alive.

There’s no one to blame,

so I sit here and try to stay sane.

If I happen to fail,

just keep in mind my…

love for you will always prevail.

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