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You don’t care if I were to die,

well neither do I.

 The main reason I keep living...

 the main reason I haven’t kept my heart from beating

is because I want to try to make you proud.

As cliché as it sounds.

 I want you to see me on a cover a book

and say damn “it has an amazing hook”.

 See me receiving a noble peace prize

and wish you were I.

See me supporting a family that achieves

and think to yourself "I taught her how to do this... it was cause of me and my parenting."

So if you tell me,

you’d rather not have me here.

 Then I’d be the first to

save my tears

and leave this world.

 After all I’m the last thing you need,

another failure in our family.

Just so that you know

before I go

I’ll love you more than you’ll ever know.

 And the scars I bare, that helped me through

are the living proof

that the life I lead,

was for no other, than you.

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