Chapter Six

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My Husband's Lover
Nhica Moico

I don't know how to live without your love
I was born to make you happy
'Cause you're the only one up in my heart
I was born to make you happy

Born To Make You Happy, Britney Spears.

Chapter six

He had a fiancée before we got married.

I was shaking. So bad that I couldn’t even hold the paper cup in my hand, the coffee inside dripped on my hand. “Ow!” I gave a small yelped and quickly wiped it off on my jeans. Jordan had left after two guards came and hauled her out, just before I thought she was going to say something nasty to me, instead, she glared at me, as if saying this thing between us wasn’t over.

I felt numb all over my body, I couldn’t even move. I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t know what to think. Jace had a fiancée, and he didn’t told me about it. Why would he, anyway? I was nothing to him, he couldn’t care less whether I should know it or not.

I was looking forward to our trip, but instead of staying happy, I was greeted with the cold hard truth before we boarded the plane. A voice announced it was our flight time, I dragged my suitcases and we were told to get separated so as we had to hand our tickets to the man in the front.

I gave mine, and boarded in. when I got inside, I was surprised to see Jace wasn’t there. I turned around to ask one of the flight attendant but they said we were actually meant to be in different planes. I was confused, and the pilot said through the speakers to buckle our seat belts in and get comfy. How could I, when I’m all alone? Without Jace? One of the flight attendants might have thought that I didn’t know where my seat was, she led me to a seat next to a guy that must be a few years older.

I set my belongings at one of the cabinet at the top and settled myself. There was so much things that was going in my head, I wonder if Jace felt the same?

I tried to enjoy the flight but I couldn’t, I found myself thinking back to the wedding. How Alex said he will always be here with me, how my family will be there for me. Always.

“Hi” a deep voice interrupted my thoughts, I whipped around to see the guy beside me smiling. He had a nice smile, rather a friendly one.

“Hey” I said, smiling back. Since I’m by myself, I thought I could use some company.

“I’m, Vincent” he said, and held a hand out for me to shake.

I took it, and shook it firmly. “Nice to meet you, Vincent. I’m Amy”

“Amy Johnson, right?”

“Yeah” I replied, puzzled. “Uh, do I know you?”

Vincent grinned. “No, I guess not. You were all over the news, you and Jace”

All over the news? He laughed when he must have seen confusion written all over my face “You married Jace, right?” I nodded, “He’s one of the best business man known in the planet, Amy. It’s no wonder everyone knew about your wedding”

Woah. No one had told me that our wedding will be live in public to know, it was like we were majesties.

“And you know this, how?” I asked, curious.

“I was at the wedding, Jace is my half-brother”

I know that gawking was rude, but at that moment all my manners flew out the window. I never knew Jace had a half-brother, he never talked about it.

“Jace is your half-brother?” I asked, so shocked that I forgot all the things I was thinking.

“Yeah, and that’s makes you as my half-sister. A very cute half-sister, if I say so myself” he said, mischievously.

“Jace never said anything having a half-bother” I concluded.

“He wasn’t really meant to. He had always kept it as a secret”

I observed him, high cheeks, same green eyes but Jace’s are striking and has that mischief glint in his eyes but Vincent’s shown warmth and kindness. Vincent has got dark blond hair while Jace has got brown tousled hair.

Despite the structures aside, they do actually look alike. It wasn’t a mistake that they are brothers.

The pilot’s voice suddenly loomed behind the speakers “We will be landing, in a couple of seconds. I suggest you get yourself ready and grab your belongings please. Thank you”

“It was very nice to meet you, little sis” Vincent said, and stood up to grab his things. I watched as he walked away, stopping to talk to one of the flight attendance.

I suddenly felt alone once again. 

Hey Guys, I hope you felt satisfied that I uploaded straight away! :D There was so much ideas I have for this story and it will be really great if you could check my story out, and that is "The Kiss In The Dark By A Stranger" I have like Six parts in that story and will be uploading soon once I got the time to write longer chapters on that one. 

Anyway, please don't forget to comment and vote my lovies. Your support means truly a lot to me and thanks to those who have stuck with this story since the first start! ;D


Nhica xx

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