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I was told I was supposed to shadow Kirk. Wonderful. I did it anyway without argument.

"So what kinds of things do you like? Like say, color." He asked me.

"My favorite color is either blue or green. I'm not really sure."

He nodded. "Hm. Okay. How about food?"

I thought a little bit. "Fish or some type of pasta."

"I prefer steak, but fish is good too."

This small talk he was giving me was kind of irritating me. I wanted a normal conversation on what I was supposed to do. Not talking about what I liked. This has been going on for almost an hour. This stupid small talk.

"Uhm. I have a slight headache. I'm gonna go get something for it quick. I'll be right back."

Kirk looked up at me from his chair and smiled. "Okay."

I walked out the doors and down the hall. I didn't have a headache. I just wanted out of there. I was falling for him and I didn't want to but my heart said yes even though my brain was telling it that it was going to get ripped to shreds.

I found myself walking into medical bay.

"Nadia, is something wrong?" Bones turned around and looked at me.

"Huh? Oh. No. I'm fine. I just needed out of the bridge for a bit. Kirk is trying to make small talk with me and it's been going on for the past hour!"

"He does that if he doesn't really know you. It's just him trying to get to know you."

I smiled at him a little. He was cute. Like really cute and he was nice.

"I told him I had a headache, so I probably shouldn't stay long."

"I can tell him you threw up and I'm keeping you here for observations." He told me.

"Oh, could you?!" I nearly pleaded.

He smiled. "I'll do that. I'll be right back." He walked away.

I sat on a bed and waited. He came back a few minutes later.

"Okay, you have thrown up. You will be here for observations for about an hour. Then you have to go back." He sat on the bed next to me.

I looked at him and smiled. "Thanks."

"No problem."

"Why would he keep small talk up for an hour?!"

He smirked a little. "He likes you. That's why."

My heart skipped a beat because it was happy but my mind was telling it not to get excited. "Really?" I said, surprisingly calm.

Bones nodded. "Yes and... So do I actually." He looked down.

"Wait. You BOTH like me?" I was confused. Two guys liked me and I liked both of them but I didn't know what one to pick!

"Yeah... He told me after I told him I liked you too. It's understandable if you don't want either of us."

"No. I... I'm not sure what to think, okay? I need all this to process for a bit." I put my hand on his arm to tell him it was fine that he admitted that.

"Okay. It's also understandable if you want him and not me. He's the good looking one."

I shook my head. "You're both very cute. No doubt about that."

He looked at me and smiled.

I smiled back and saw it made him feel a little bit better about himself.

Great. Now I'm falling for them both and I can only have one. What could I do?!

*Author's Note: Third chapter. More will come. Leave your comments!*

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