13 fifth year: thirteenth letter

Start from the beginning

"Mister Malfoy, what are you doing? Standing here all alone?" the girlish, high pitched voice asked him. He can already feel an impending migraine in the longer he stood in her presence.

"Potter and his merry gang of trouble makers are in your office, Headmistress. I came to inform you," Draco said coolly.

Dolores Umbridge smiled so widely that the corners of her mouth almost reached her earlobes. It made Draco physically cringe. "Brilliant, we just caught Mister Weasley over here and he was more than just a little bit shady," she said darkly, already pacing quickly down the corridor, a bunch of older Slytherins in her wake, dragging The Weasel by the arms who was screaming ever bit of profanity he knows. "Lead the way, Mr. Malfoy."

"With pleasure," Draco smirked.

Sadistic bitch.

The curtains were drawn and the play started.

He has to step up to the role of the villain. He strode into the room straight at Hermione, she pointed her wand at him but he was faster. Her brown eyes were wide with shock. Draco grabbed the wand from her hand, before she can even let out a shriek. Potter has his head stuck on the fireplace, he wouldn't be able to rescue her. "You wouldn't dare, Malfoy," Hermione said through gritted teeth, as he got her on an arm lock, her back against his chest, nose almost brushing the creamy skin of her neck. Imagine the possibilities. "Let me go, you lowlife!" She struggled against him, trying to free herself from his grip, he doesn't want to let go of her and not just because letting her go meant that she'd warn Harry Potter. Letting her go will mean that he has to let go of this warmth, this soft subtle, sweet scent that had clung to the deepest recesses of his mind and into his memories,this might be the first and last time that he will have her this close. "You don't have to do this," she pleaded softly against his arm. Like she believed he was above it, like she believed he was a good person.

It ignited a feeling in the bottom of his stomach but it didn't break his resolve, "Don't underestimate me, Granger." You don't know how horrible I really am.

Umbridge came into the room, followed by some older Slytherins and the rest of the Inquisitorial Squad.

Draco grabbed Harry's wand as soon as he pulled his head out of the fireplace. He smirked at Potter and Hermione and toyed with their wands as Umbridge called for Snape to get Veritaserum. Snape told her that he ran out. He has always been a sly git, the greasy double agent could be lying for all he knows. Some more words were said and now Umbridge wants to resort to using Cruciatus on Potter or someone else.

Draco let his eyes look over at Hermione, she was breathing heavily as Umbridge continued her interrogation. Her cheeks were flushed and her lips were pursed like she was waiting for a blow on the face, wincing at the forthcoming pain.

"Wait!" She started to cry, apologizing to her friends about her upcoming betrayal.

Draco felt himself loosening the grip on their wands. There. Easy does it. Choose the easy way out for once, Granger. Just bail. Don't be brave. Don't be a fool.

"We want to tell him that it's ready..."

He doesn't understand what in the world she was going on about but all the better if it will get her out of trouble. Just away from the Ministry. Please.

Umbridge got Potter and Hermione and they all went out the room. As long as they don't go anywhere near the ministry. Nowhere out of Hogwarts. They won't be able to go anywhere, they don't have wands and the worst and best thing that could happen now is if they manage to kill Umbridge and then they have to set out on foot and by then it will be late and every single man Dumbledore has on his supposed army will be looking for Potter and Hermione.

Draco and his minions were left with The Weasel, She-Weasel, Longbottom and the strange looking blonde who might just be one of his cousins but any suspicions that he is related to her he will gladly keep to himself.

Parkinson started to laugh, "Do you feel like flying?" She asked Longbottom. Longbottom's eyes widened in terror and was unable to let out a reply through a mouth of crooked teeth. And before anyone could let out a chortle of approval, he was out of Crabbe's grip and has his back on the ceiling, cold sweat dropping on the plush pink carpet of Umbridge's office. Pansy Parkinson laughed out loud, she was joined with the others and it was a sound that made Draco's frontal lobe ache excruciatingly as he gazed out the window, hoping to spot Hermione.

But before he knew it someone has shouted 'Expelliarmus!' and there was a commotion behind him.

He turned to face them and someone hexed him. Bats came flying out of his nose, there was total pandemonium as magic was thrown from the corners of the room and by the looks of it, no one on his side has won their fight. He managed to grab his wand and flung it to She- Weasel's direction but Longbottom managed to land a hex on him. "Stupefy!" and Draco was flung out on the other side of the room, ceramic plates of kitten fell on his head one by one and the final one managed to knock him out.

And when he came to it hours and hours later, it was dark and Dumbledore's Army was gone.

And he knows that if Hermione manages to get out of the ministry alive he has to fight her. That's it. No questions asked. It's kill or be killed. He has taken a vow.

And he didn't dare think of the alternative.


Will you tell me about this bloody git named Snow White?

Tell me how kisses turn the dead back to life and how the dead can never be truly dead at all.

Tell me how the halt of the heart is not the end.

But it was a note written in the wind because he knows that if she was had in the ministry, there was no turning back and no bullshit kiss or spell will reverse anything.

And he'd rather have her punch him once a day for the rest of his life than that.


And that concludes Order of the Phoenix. Half Blood Prince has more chapters. My Deathly Hallows still hasn't arrived so I am dying, thanks for asking- HAHAHA! Seriously, I know whats going to happen and I know it will kill me but I have to read it in JK Rowling's prose! >__<

Song at the top is 'Tear in My Heart' by Twenty One Pilots. Christ, I love this one so much.

Dedicated to @CindyBarnard for all her votes and comments and just replying to my messages and being awfully sweet. :') It warms my heart that no one has actually laughed at me for not reading the Harry Potter series until this late. Hahaha! 

800+ reads and 120+ stars! Thank you for all the support, guys! We are grateful! :'D <3

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