Chapter 2

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"Prime directive or not, Char; I saved his life! That ought to count for something" James Kirk exclaimed; raising his voice so that he could be heard over the loud music that was attempting to drown out all possibility of conversation. Once again he found anger…hurt… betrayal…rising to the surface as he contemplated what his First Officer had done to put him in this position; and it was only the shocking coolness of the drink he had just downed that prevented him from saying more, allowing Charlotte to step in and speak.

"I know that, Jim" She said; toying with the straw in her own drink absently as she tried to get around her friend's anger to make him see the logic in his first officer's actions "But you know better than anyone that once he feels compelled to do something…once he's required to speak up…he can't fight it. It's just his nature."

"So you're excusing him."

"Not at all" Charlotte replied; a knowing smile toying with the corners of her mouth as she shook her head "I'm just trying to put ideas into your head that I know you won't accept anyway. You know…so that I can at least tell Spock I tried to get you to see his side."

"Well, you did try. Admirably, in fact."


Shaking his head at her; Jim looped an arm around Charlotte's shoulders, pulling her with him onto the dance floor and laughing at her look of sheer embarrassment as she attempted to wriggle free.

"Jim…Jim, no!"

"C'mon, one dance…" Kirk pleaded, lowering his hands to catch Charlotte's as he tugged her still further onto the floor "For old time's sake."

Lips thinning despite the acquiescing nod she offered her friend, Charlotte stepped closer to him; focusing on the warmth of his embrace as the song blaring around them slowed into a softer tune. Recognition hit her at once as the lyrics he had attempted to use to woo her when they first met a few years prior reached her ears; and she peered up at him then, a faint smile twirking at the corners of her mouth as she narrowed her eyes.

"You planned this."

The mock accusation in her tone had Jim laughing in an instant, and he twirled her around once; before pulling her close yet again as he replied.

"If you didn't want me plotting things, then maybe you shouldn't have taken so long in the bathroom."

"So shoot a girl for wanting to look presentable" Charlotte quipped; swatting at Jim's shoulder as the two friends settled into an easy rhythm, the smile he leveled at her close to blinding as it always was. Allowing him to take the lead, she curled into him; smiling at how easy it was to let him make her forget all of the worries she had. Since their first meeting he had been able to sneak under her carefully projected façade of having it all together…and that quality had been what had drawn her to him; in spite of his 'reputation' with women. Given that very same reputation, many thought it surprising that Charlotte had become more than just a conquest to her friend…but it was that bond that had gotten them through everything that tried to break the both of them in their first mission together. The very same bond that would get them through this newest storm; when everything they had come to believe about Starfleet hung in the balance.

The duo spent the remainder of the song in comfortable silence; Charlotte allowing Jim to lead her back to the bar at its end, and flag down the bartender for more drinks. For her part, she was perfectly content to just ignore the current situation…ignore everything with her father…and just enjoy being out with a friend. If that meant she permitted Jim to get her a bit silly with liquor…well then, that's what it meant.

A nudge from Jim finally succeeded in jolting out of her thoughts with a start; and Charlotte fought back a laugh as she looked in the direction he had just inclined his head, immediately rolling her eyes as she saw the woman sitting opposite her at the bar.

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