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Barbara Palvin as Helena

I woke up at five o'clock in the morning as usual, i walked into the kitchen to prepare breakfast for grandmother and Noelle, i lost track of time as usual and ran straight to the bathroom.

"Zara, your school bus is leaving" Grandmother shouted.

"I am coming, grandmother" i screamed back.

"I told you not to make breakfast during week days" grandmother complained as usual.

"I'm used to it, grandmother. Where's Noelle?" I asked as i took an apple from the tray, as Noelle came down, Noelle is four years younger than me. Noelle is the little sister i never had. I have a twin sister but she was adopted, Anastasia Domenico, she sends me stuffs and writes letters to me every month, we were very much alike except in our social status, she was popular, athletic and sociable while i was unpopular, can't run to save my life, sleep is the only exercise i do and i love keeping to myself, maybe that's because i don't have any Friend.

"What do you want?" I asked Charlotte and Deborah, they are Helena Valentino's lap dog.

"Its Helena's birthday, why don't you help us out?" Deborah said, as they both pulled me towards the toilet. I didn't bother to struggle, i was used to them bullying me.

"Happy birthday Helena" Deborah and Charlotte shouted together.

"Thanks guys, where's my gift? And what is she doing here?" Helena asked eyeing me.

"She's your birthday cake, Charlotte where are the decorations?" Deborah smirked.

"I brought them, Helena. Will you do the honour? Charlotte said as she placed a candle crown on my head and light them all. Helena took her nice time and the candle wax were hurting me, finally she blew the candle.

"Is that all? I'm so disappointed" the witch Helena pouted. Deborah and Charlotte shook their heads as they brought out some ingredients from the bag.

"Here" Deborah said giving it to Helena.

"What is that?" I asked.

"Its fish oil and garlic something, my maid said it would take a week to get the smell out" Deborah said

"You guys are the best" Helena said as she received the ingredients, she sang a birthday song along with Charlotte and Deborah as she poured the ingredients on me, and Deborah was right, it smelled like shit, it was official, i hate my life.

I changed into my gym wear and went to class, i still smell but I don't care, i just want to be done with today and get a good bath at home.

As I walked towards my class, i heard students murmuring and making jokes at me, i was used to it, i pulled in my iPod and sat down in my seat, my seat mate moved her chair away, i was really smelling, even the teacher noticed and gave me a note to leave school, i was glad.

As soon as i got home, I didn't want grandmother or Noelle to see me, I didn't want them to know my circumstances or anything about my life. The bath was very refreshing, I sat down to think about my life, my twin sister and how everything would be different if I was the one who was adopted, after what seemed like, dinner time was coming around and I had to feed all the kids and get them ready.

"Noelle" I walked up to her, she was sitting in the corner of the room, one thing I love about her was that she was reserved but I don't think that's her nature, society didn't give her a choice.

"What's up, Gold?" She said giving me a small smile

"Nothing, wanna help me with the food today?" I asked

"don't I always?' She said, causing me to laugh as we both walked towards the kitchen, then I noticed the way she was limping

"Did you fall or something? Are you okay?"

"Something like that, I'm okay, nothing a good night sleep can't handle, right?" She said giving me a smile and bring out dishes from the cupboard.

"I'm not stupid you know?"

"You could have fooled me, Gold"

"That's no way to talk to your elder, Elle"

"Sorry mom!" She snapped at me, I sighed and continued turning the soup "I'm sorry Gold, please forgive me?"

I nodded, knowing the silent treatment always works on her, sooner or later she would tell me the truth,
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"It was the twins" she said said, new record I thought to myself, as I smiled inwardly and looked at her to go on "they keep teasing me and when I ran away from them, I fell down"

"Should I talk to them?" I asked, she nodded

"After dinner, I have a plan" I told her, she grinned at me and walked out of the kitchen to serve everyone's food.

"So do you know what this is?" I asked Noelle

"Isn't that some digestive pills that grandma uses when we are full?" She asked and I nodded

"We are gonna put it in their drink and serve them tonight, then wait for them at the rest room, until they apologize we won't let them through and then we'd watch them fight for who would go first"

"You are brilliant, Gold" she said as she hugged me "you are so brave and self confident, I wanna be like you when I grow up"

"You won't be like me" I told her "you'd be better, the very best, never settle for less, Elle" she nodded as we preside with the plan.

"So what did you learn from this, Aiden and Carter?" I asked the twins in between my laugh, I looked at Noelle who was laughing so hard, she was crying.

"That we would never tease Noelle because she has an evil big sister" Aiden said in pain

"And she's a big big big bitch" carter said as he tried to push me aside, thank goodness I was taller and more built, even though I hardly do any exercise.

"You didn't just call her bitch, dude" Aiden cried harder "you are a fool"

"Shut up, A" He snapped at his twin, which just made Noelle laugh harder,which I didn't think was even possible.

"We are sorry, Noelle. We only tease you because you are beautiful and you don't talk to us" Carter said

"We were only trying to get your attention" Aiden said, with their confessions, I was quiet, so was Noelle, we both moved away as the both ran for the toilet.

"I didn't expect that, am I that reserved?" Noelle asked, I shrugged not knowing how to answer her "anyways thank you for today, I think I'm gonna wait for the twins, we have a lot to talk about"

I nodded "thank you for helping me"

As soon as I got into the room, I started crying, Noelle would be disappointed in me if she knew how I was leaving my life, I was a pathetic girl who let girls her age bully her and do nothing about it, not that I couldn't do anything about it but I just wasn't ready to do anything about it, I took my phone and message my twin, telling her all about today, she was the only one I didn't lie to, it was like she knew exactly what I was going through and how I was feeling.

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