Chapter 8

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Athena looked around the library, still tense from earlier. She wasn't stupid. She knew that they wouldn't actually have a 'talk'. It would end with Loki probably throwing Stark out of the tower from the balcony for all she knows. How right she was. . .
   While she was looking out the window from the library, she saw a figure fall down in front of her. Eyes widening, she quickly pressed her face against the glass and saw it was Stark falling. "Loki!" she growled. She quickly used a spell to slow his fall, just in time when what seemed to be his suit came after him. Making sure he was okay, Athena stormed up to the penthouse where Loki was probably still residing in.
"Damnit!" Loki muttered, watching Stark fall down to his death. He then knew he was in trouble by Athena. Despite being the 'God' ruling the realm, being a cold-hearted monster, he was scared of Athena's wrath. She was the most powerful sorceress in the nine realms, who knows what her powers would do to him.
   After being fired with Stark's beam, he stood up again and went to the balcony to watch as the Chitauri invaded the city. He heard the door burst open behind him, making him mentally prepare for Athena's anger. Odin's beard I hope I don't get hurt much by her, he thought glumly.
   "Loki!" Athena seethed, the sound of her magic sparking in her hands could be heard.
   "My love." he greeted back cheekily, despite feeling fear for her anger. "Did you bring a book for me?" As he turned around to greet her, he was sent back by a wind force from her. He landed on his back roughly, the wind taken out of him momentarily.
   "You promised." Athena snapped, stalking towards him.
   "Did I?" Loki winced, scolding himself for his silver tongue. I got to watch what I say in front of her, he noted.
   "You buffoon!" Athena screeched, sending a small bolt of lightning to him. "Stark could have died!"
   "It's not like I care about him." Loki scoffed, getting up slowly. Athena glared at him, her hands being covered by flame that weren't burning her. He also noticed her eyes were turning to a emerald green like what his eyes were if he was not under the control of the Tesseract. "He was annoying me."
   "Thor used to annoy you back in Asgard, did you throw him out of the palace through the balcony?"
   "It took all self control in me to not." Loki said smoothly. He earned a bolt of lightning in response. "Can you not do that woman!"
   "Well you're annoying me." she replied with a sarcastic smile. Loki narrowed his eyes at her.
   "Using my words against me, how low of you - stop with the lightning woman!"
   "LOKI!" came the thundering voice of Thor's.
   "Why do you never die when I want it to?" Loki groaned, turning around to face him. Before he did though, he sent magic towards Athena, making her get shoved into the penthouse and locked inside, dark magic making her stay inside.
   "Loki, let me out!" Athena yelled, banging on the glass door, glaring at him with daggers.
   "Until you relax, will I let you go." he said childishly. "And then we can start planning our wedding." he added cheekily with a grin and a wink.
   "Oh I won't be marrying you after this if you continue!"
   "Hm, whatever you say." he said lightly, despite feeling pain in his chest at her words. He then focussed on Thor. "Now where were we?"
Athena gave up trying to break Loki's spell and instead watched his and Thor's fight. Athena gasped as she saw Loki stab a small blade into Thor's side. "LOKI!" she yelled outraged, her magic going overboard, defeating Loki's magic. However, her magic also sent a huge gust of wind, pushing Loki off the balcony. "No!" she yelled horrified, running to the edge with Thor. "Th-Thor, I-I didn't mean to -"
   "Look!" Thor pointed at a Chitauri flying on its vehicle, Loki on it already sitting at the back.
   "Thank goodness!" she breathed out in relief.
   "Come on," Thor said, holding his arm out, "let's go to the others."

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