Chapter 2

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They walked back into Bruce and Stark's lab room, and watched Fury talk to Loki from the screens.
"In case it's unclear, if you so much as scratch that glass," Fury pressed a button on a control pannel, and the floor underneath Loki's cell opened. "Thirty thousand feet straight down in a steep trap." he yelled over the noise from the open floor. He then closed it back up and motioned to the ground. "Ant." he then turned to the control pannel. "Boot."
Loki chuckled darkly, making the hair behind Athena's neck rise. "I never heard him sound so evil." Athena murmured. Thor gave a sigh in sadness.
"It's an impressive cage," Loki said, looking around him. "Not built, I think, for me."
"Built for something a lot stronger than you." Fury said bluntly.
"Oh I've heard." Loki smirked, staring straight at one of the cameras, making it seem he was staring at everyone who was watching this. "A mindless beast, makes play he's still a man." The team glanced at Bruce for a moment, before they turned back to the screens. "How desperate are you? You call on such lost creatures to defend you."
"How desperate am I?" Fury said in an angry voice. "You threaten my world with war. You steal a force you can't hope to control. You talk about peace and kill 'cause it's fun." Athena gasped at what Fury said, unaware of what Loki had done. "You have made me very desperate. You might not be glad that you did."
"Oh," Loki says dramatically, angering Fury. "It burns you to have come so close, to the tesseract, to have power, unlimited power for what? A warm light for all mankind to share? And then to be reminded of what real power is." Loki then glared at Fury.
"Well let me know if real power wants a magazine or something." Fury says, walking towards the exit, only to freeze when Loki spoke again.
"Oh I do want something." Loki inched closer to the glass, while keeping a steady gaze on Fury. "I won't speak any further until I see Athena."
"He really grows on you, doesn't he." Bruce says sarcastically. Athena nodded in agreement, unaware of the sarcasm.
"Oh I do want something." Loki said, stopping their talk.
"I thought the interview was over?" Natasha said confused.
"Well obviously it isn't." Stark snorted, earning an annoyed glance from her. "This man still has something to say. Always has to have the last word, huh."
"I won't speak any further until I see Athena." Loki said. Everyone froze, looking from Athena to Loki. Only Bruce, Thor, Hill, Coulson, and Fury knew about their love life.
"No." Fury said immediately, much to Athena and Loki's dismay.
"Well then, you won't be hearing from me again." Loki shrugged nonchalantly, although you could see in his eyes anger that they aren't letting him see the woman he loves. "None of your agents can get anything out from me. And what you did to her when she came to this realm will not go unnoticed."
"Well we'll see if she can visit you. But you have to behave if you want to see her." Fury said sarcastically before leaving the room, ending the conversation.
"You have to let me see him." Athena said as soon as Fury entered the room.
"Whoa, wait!" Stark exclaimed. "Why does he want to see you?"
"She is from Asgard." Bruce said. "Obviously they would somehow know each other." he continued, hiding the fact that the two gods used to be together.
"Athena's right." Natasha said. "We saw earlier Loki had showed sentiment for Athena. Maybe she can help us find something about his plans?"
"And she can try to convince him to stop." Thor added.
"I think that seems right." Steve shrugged. "You did see how Loki reacted when he saw Athena, right?"
"Please." Athena begged. Fury looked at them all, before sighing in defeat.
"I'll show you the way - but just know, we will be watching you." Fury warned. Athena smiled happily, before quickly following Fury.
"Were Athena and Loki best friends or something?" Steve questioned Thor.
"Yes." Thor nodded. "They were inseparable, always around each other. She taught him magic, and he taught her some fighting skills."
"Were they girlfriend and boyfriend?" Natasha asked Thor suspiciously.
"Girlfriend and boyfriend?" Thor frowned at the strange words.
"Were they to, you know, court or something?" Stark clarified.
"Yes." Thor nodded. "They were to wed before they fell off the rainbow bridge."
"What? No, you're lying." Stark scoffed, obviously not believing them.
"Did you not see Loki when he saw her?" Natasha exclaimed in disbelief. "I may not have any experience in love, but I know for a fact that he loves her."
"I'll give you five bucks when I believe it." Stark said, before facing the screen again.
Fury led Athena down some hallways, before stopping at one. He then motioned to the door. "This is Loki's cell." he said. "We'll be watching."
"Thank you." Athena nodded, walking inside quietly. Loki's back faced the entrance, making it easier for her to sneak in with her magic. She easily went through the glass cell, before taking a few steps towards him, making sure her aura wasn't showing. When she was a good five feet away, she cleared her throat. Loki tensed up, but did not turn around. Athena took a step closer, before speaking up.
"Loki?" she whispered. Loki stood still for a moment, before he slowly turned around towards her.
The team heard Athena clear her throat, making them turn to Loki and see his reaction. Loki held a look of shock and pain, but did not turn. "They're not together!" Stark said in a sing-song voice. Natasha, Bruce, and Thor ignored him, and continued watching the screen.
"Loki?" Athena called out quietly. Loki stood still for a moment, before he slowly turned around towards her. Loki's eyes widened at the sight of her, turning fully to her.
"Athena?" he whispered hesitantly. "Is that really you?"
"How did she use her magic to go in the cell?" Bruce wondered. "It's supposed to be magic proof."
"Athena is the most powerful sorcerer in the nine realms." Thor explained. "She could pass almost anything. She's that immune." They turned back to the screen.
"It is me." Athena nodded, giving him a watery smile. She held her hand palm up, gold mist surrounding her hand before it disappeared, revealing a certain rose.
"It is you!" Loki breathed out shocked.

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