"I'll try to eat." I say.

"Please try." he says

"I will."

"Good." he says. we all laugh about inappropriate jokes. I feel happy. when the food gets here I look at it. okay I got this. maybe I could just eat one. Denis would be happy I finished one right? I pick up the taco. I take a small bite. I take a few more small bites I'm halfway done with it. I keep eating. I feel myself getting full. I take the last bite. I still have 2 more tacos. all the guys are done with their meals.

"Can I get this To go?" I ask.

"Yeah." Ben says. we get a box and put them in. Ben pays for the food. we leave and I take my box. I get a text. it's from Denis. it says "good job eating, next time try for more. :)" I look at him. he smiles. I think that's enough food for today. I sit in the car and listen to music. when we get home I put my food in the fridge. I went up to my room. I take out 7 of my 10 blades. I put them in my pocket. I told Ben I'm going for a walk. I walk for a bit. I find myself at a park. I walk around. I go to the center. in the center is a pond. I take out the blades. I look at them. no i can't. there's animals here. I put them back in my pocket. I go to a dirt patch. I dig a hole in the dirt. I place the blades in the hole. I cover it up. I place rocks over it. I walk back. I sit on a bench. I feel someone sit down next to me. I look up at him. it's him again. the guy from the mall.

"Hey." he says.

"Hi." I say back.

"I'm Ethan. I saw you the other day at the mall." he says.

"I'm Kelly." I say to him. he shakes my hand.

"I uh. I got you this." he says and pulls out a box. I open it. it's the bracelet from the mall.

"Thanks..." I say. I look t the bracelet. "You really didn't have to."

"I wanted to, I saw you looking at it." he says. he helps me put the bracelet on. I be careful not to show too much of my arm.

we sit there and talk. he's really nice. I look at him. he's cute. he has brown hair, brown eyes, and tall. I get up to leave and he hugs me. before I leave he gives me his number. I walk back. I look at the bracelet. it's a black with a silver skull. I smile. I open the door to bens house. I go up to my room. I close my door and sit on my bed.

I look at my arms. I'm so dumb for doing this. I hate myself for it. I take off my flannel. someone knocks on my door.

"Come in." I say. Denis comes in. I look at him. he closes my door and sits on the chair. I cross my arms so he can't see.

"I'm proud of you, you are a whole taco. I know it may not be a lot to me, but it's a lot for you." he says. he smiles at me.

"Thanks Denis." I say and smile.

"What no hug?" he says laughing.

"Fine." I say. I get up and hug him. he towers over me.

"God your tiny." he says laughing. I laugh. I sit back on my bed. I throw a pillow at Denis.

"Now that was uncalled for." he says and points his finger at me.

"Calling me tiny was uncalled for." I say pointing back.

"Wow!" he says. I feel his eyes on me. His eyes burn into my arms.

"Why?" he asks. I know exactly what he's talking about.

"What?" I say back acting confused.

"Why do you do it?" he asks.

"Do what?" I ask.

"Hurt yourself." he says.

"I'm an unhappy person Denis." I say. "Please can you leave." I ask.

"Talk to us Kelly." he says.

"I can't." I say.

"Yes you can." he says.

"No, please leave." I say. I watch him go. why do I always mess up. God. I lay back on my bed and look at the ceiling. I feel myself dozing off. I fall asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 14, 2016 ⏰

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