It had been almost a year now since the two had begun dating. Out of all the natural hazes of forgetfulness and slowness, Nayumi could remember the very day when she and Sasari had begun their budding relationship. It had been a joke erected by a couple of close, teasing friends for the length of the summer remedial classes. Little had they known that over those warm, rainy days and humid nights that long after the remedial classes this forced set-up would have blossomed into something much more complex and complicated. Both had naturally open-minds, so the two of them being girls hadn't bothered them much at all when it came down to it. They had ventured on a few experimental dates near the closing of that summer – when Nayumi was mildly energetic for once – and held hands wherever they went. They looked more like cozy, close friends than an actual couple as a whole.

Pulling away, Sasari swung around her girlfriend to flop onto her lap. It was warm just like the rest of her, but a soft perch overall. She probably wouldn't be able to stay there for very long with the heat, so she kept her weight distributed lightly more towards the girl's bare knees to make it easier for her to get up when needed.

"Would Takikomi gohan be alright for tonight? We have some meat leftover from last night, so we can use that~ I think we have some potatoes and vegetables, too, so we can make nikujaga instead if you would like."

Sasari was just a few inches taller than Nayumi in this position, and with that angle, the blonde could see the other's eyes clearly from under her straight bangs when she spoke. They always sparkled whenever she talked about food. Or maybe it was just because of the lighting. The sun was casting its light directly in through the window.

"Takikomi gohan...or nikujaga... Hm.... Let's see..." She pronounced each syllable as she spoke.

Nayumi was slow, to say the least. One really required a great deal of patience when dealing with her. She took ridiculous amounts of time to contemplate things, only to project an answer of childish simplicity. Important information fell right out of her ears when given, and she thus didn't really tune into conversations fully most of the time because she'd get lost in it within the first few words. Her grades suffered on the borderline because of that and her tendency to sleep during informative lectures or lessons. Sasari never lost patience with her though. And that's what made them so compatible.

"Or we could take the potatoes, vegetables, and meat and simmer them and have miso too~" Sasari added breathlessly.

The additional option seemed to put a strain on the thinking blonde. Her sweat-laden brow crinkled in effort.

"Huh... Uh, hm... Miso is...good but it's too hot to eat warm food. But Takikomi gohan and nikujaga are the same so..." Nayumi began to whine.

"We could always warm the potatoes and everything up and eat the soup cold." The brunette suggested, raising an index finger in front of her face as if to make a non-existent point. "We could warm up some tofu and throw it in there as well. And for dessert, I bought some strawberries and whipped cream for something sweet afterwards."

A sweet, dreamy smile warmed Nayumi's lips at the suggestion. She nodded with enough sleepy vigor to make her dyed blonde hair bounce at the action. "That sounds goood~"

"Then it's decided then?"


Sasari smiled with her girlfriend, using the hovering index finger to tap the tip of her nose as if she were a puppy. Nayumi closed her eyes and slanted them playfully. Her actions almost looked like they were in slow motion. The brunette laughed once again. She stretched her legs out on either side of the chair, arching her back a little in the process. The small of it touched the edge of the desk behind her and she collapsed childishly into herself like she'd been shocked. The blonde kept her drowsy arms around the slender waist, sleepy, puppy-dog eyes staring up at her. Ah, that's right. Her skirt. Reaching down, she fumbled for the undone button, finding nothing but air for a little while. When her uncoordinated fingers found it, she haphazardly pushed it back into its proper place.

"Summer will almost be here soon." Sasari commented suddenly, a dreamy edge to her voice. Nayumi nodded in sleepy response. "Almost one year that I'll have spent with you."

"Mm." Sounded the all-too familiar answer of confirmation.

"Time really went by fast."


The bottom of her own legs were beginning to feel a little hot and sticky from the organic warmth of the other, so Sasari shifted slightly on her makeshift perch of Nayumi's lukewarm lap. Smooth, ivory skin hissed as it brushed together.

"But I don't regret it. This might have just been the greatest joke the others have set up for me."

"Me too."

Suddenly, Sasari's tone sounded a bit more serious, but not any less playful:

"Don't fail those exams, ya hear? Or else we'll be separated for the length of the summer."

"Okay, okay. Or you could just fail them with me and we can take remedial classes together."

"I'm not too sure about that..."

"You're not fair, Sasari..."

The pout that had come across Nayumi's face at the playful complaint was adorable. It just made Sasari desire to squish her cheeks again.

"Now, now, I'll help you study as much as I can so that won't happen, alright, Nayumi? And we better be able to do some studying this time, or I won't kiss you anymore."

"Noooo. I'll study, I promise."

"Good girl."

The brunette shifted once more and started to push herself off the other's lap. Greedy arms tried to hold onto her waist but fell away when she stood, leaving a more childish pout to form on the sleepy blonde's face. Nayumi is just too cute sometimes! Sasari giggled upon seeing this and ruffled the blonde hair as if the girl was an endearing canine. Turning to the desk, she plucked a small, compact textbook off of it and thumbed through it, settling on a section with a sweet smile.

"Let's work hard to stay together this summer, okay, Nayumi?" She smiled, taking her girlfriend's soft hand in a free one.

Nayumi blinked up at her lethargically, mirroring her sugary smile.

"Mm. Let's." 

After SchoolHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin