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Jade Pov
I got out of the water because I know its almost time for me to go I went back over there
There was no Amaya.
"Is Amaya?" I said
"Long ass line she standing in" said June scrolling through his phone
"Oh alright" I said drying my face off
"That ass though" said June out of no where
My eyes widen "What did you say?" I said removing the towel off my face
"Im talking to somebody else ghee" said June looking at me
I shook my head
He shrugged his shoulders and went back to his phone.
I sat down and just watch people play in the sand/water
"Uh oh I see you! Jadey!" said My friend Alesia out of no where coming over here
"Ale hes not my boyfriend I barely even know him" I said
"Then why are you by him" said Alesia
"Hes Amayas brother" I said rolling my eyes
"Awee Hey!" said Alesia
"Wassup" sajd June
"Pulling girls already?" said Alesia
June chuckled and shook his head no
"Yes you is you pulling me your attractive" said Alesia
"Ha thanks" said June
I folded my arms
"But your mostly pulling Jadey there" said Alesia
"Nahh" said June
"Thats right" I said in my mind
Alesia shook her head "Don't worry you gonna pull her sooner or later" said Alesia
"Ight" said June seeming not to care
"Jadey wheres Amaya?" said Alesia
"Over there" I said pointing
"Okay catch you later" said Alesia heading over there
I put my wet hair into a messy bun and continue to do what I was doing.
"Dry much?" said June out of no where
He need to stop talking out of nowhere If he wants to talk out of nowhere he have to say the persons name who he is talking to so I ignored him.
"Jade!" said June
I looked at him "What did you say" I said acting like I didnt hear what he said
"Dry much" said June
"Nope" I said
"Yes you are very dry" said June
"Because I'm not talking" I said
He nodded with no words
"So you expect me to create a convo with you" I said
He shrugged "I guess " said June
"Honey Ion start conversations so ima put myself on mute" I said
June shook his head "Hows life! then" said June catching a attitude
Ion tell people about my life so.
"Life is life" I said "how bout you?" I added arching my eyebrow
"Life is horrible" said June getting rid of his attitude
I stop arching my eyebrow and sighed "Tell me about it" I said
"My mom and dad still going through divorce, money is tight at my dads house, They battling out for custody and all that stuff" said June
"Oh thats sad" I said
He nodded "Life must be horrible for you also" said June
"Yes its very horrible I cant even explain it" I said looking at my feet
He nodded "Lets change the subject tell me about yourself" said June
"Well Im black mix with Cuban and Indian I have 2 sisters and 2 brothers I am a A plus student I love to sing my favorite color is maroon my favorite show is Orange is the new black thats pretty much it" I said "Tell me about yourself" I added
He told me about himself after that we started to talk about random stuff.
"So your just here to make people laugh?" I said
He nodded "Pretty much thats what I was made for" said June
"So you wanna be a comedian when you are older" I said
"Heyy! keep it down" said June
I laughed "Alright" I said
"But yeah keep it lowkey my family wants me to be a professional football player but Ion want to be that you know" said June
I nodded "My family wants me to become a judge because I judge people alot" I said
He nodded "Since you judge alot how you judged me when you first seen me" said June
"Well I thought you were cute athletic and use girls" I said
"I get that alot but Ion use girls" said June
I looked at him
"Foreal foreal I keep them until they go they own way" said June
I nodded. "You had a girlfriend before?" I said
"Yeah I had 3 " said June
Dang and I cant even get a text back
"You had a boyfriend before" said June
"2 of them but that was in middle school" I said
One in 7th grade broke up with me a week after he ask me out. The one in 8th grade broke up with me 2 weeks after he ask me out. They broke up with me because of the same reason I didnt kiss them.
"They broke up with you or" said June
"Them" I said
"Why? why would they break up with a good girl like you" said June
"Because I didn't kiss them" I said
June shook his head
"Yup saving my first kiss for somebody special" I said "Let me guess you already had your first kiss" I added
He nodded
"When" I said
"In 3rd grade" said June
I looked at him "Whaat" I said
He started to laugh "Im just playing 6th grade" said June
I shook my head "You just blew me!"I said moving away
He was pure red and dying
"Jade I was just playing come back here" said June
I looked at him
"Come on" said June
I went back he put arm around me
I blushed
It was silent I think im starting to like him.....alot
My phone went off which killed the moment I got it and answered it.
Phone convo
"Hello" I said
"Where you at!" said Ashanti
"At the beach still" I said
"Doing what!" said Ashanti
"Waiting for Amaya to get her sundae" I said "Don't worry I will be on my way afterwards" I added
"If your not back at one I'm telling Nevaeh to come get you" said Ashanti
I looked at the clock it was now turning 12 o clock I got 1 hour.
"Okayy sis" I said
"Alright now Jade now I gotta get back to work" said Ashanti
"Okay bye!" I said
"Bye" said Ashanti
Phone convo ended
I turned off my phone
I looked at June he was on his phone I shook my head.
My phone would had to ring.....It killed our moment.
I did a little sigh and looked back at the ocean
"Jade" said June
"Yes?" I said
"Look" said June
I looked like a big dummy
He was recording me on snapchat
"Bitchhh" I said turning red
He started to laugh I push him off of me
"You blew me once again" I said m folding my arms
He kept laughing
I shook my head
"I got more for ya" said June showing me his stories
I turned red "Oh my gosh Junee not!" I said
He laughed some more "I got you good on this one" said June showing me
Ooo he got me good I had a major lack
"Junee delete it!" I said
June shook his head no and kept laughing
I put one hand on my head "Oh my goodness " I said shaking my head
It took him 3 mins to stop laughing
"Swoo" said June
I shook my head
"You mad or nahh?" said June
"Nahh" I said lying
"Stop lying" said June
"I'm not lying" I said
He did a laugh "I can see it in your face so stop" said June
"Fine I'm mad" I said
"Don't be mad you look fine asl in these pictures to be honest" said June
I blushed "Are you foreal?" I said
He nodded
"Oh okay" I said holding in my smile
"I know yo fine ass wanna smile" said June
I shook my head with no words
"Let it out" said June with a cute ass grin
I let it out my smile out "Darn!" I said
"See I knew it!" said June
"I wasn't gonna smile but darn your cute ass grin killed my mojo" I said
Did I just said that I never told a boy that
I turned red and cover my mouth real fast I am so embarrassed
A whole blown smile came on his face I grew weak because he's getting cuter by each minute
"Don't be embarrass girl" said June
"But I-" I said
He cut me off "Hush" said June
I looked at him
He nodded
"I am not bout to hush" I said
He grabbed my face "Yes hush Ion wanna hear it" said June looking me dead in the eye
I made my eyes go back of my head "Fine" I said "You know your so annoying right" I added with a smile
"Ha get that a lot and I know but at least girls like you like that" said June
Damn ,damn ,damnnn June back at it with his flirty comebacks lol😂😂😂 (Damn Daniel reference)
I giggle "Lol" I said
"I'm dead serious" said June
"Alright" I said
"Ima start calling you chubby bunny" said June
"Noo" I said
"Yes your cheeks are fat" said June
"I get that a lot" I said
"I know you do chubby bunny" said June
I couldn't help it but smile he smiled this  is the moment when your suppose to kiss each other that's what I read in the books and see on tv *rolls eyes* but I don't know if he's that special someone that's what my brain think my heart and gut is telling me yes he's the one. Oh my goodness but I met him today oh lord what should I do now make a excuse........ Yes that's the best way to do but then I will be feeling guilty later so no I'm not gonna make a excuse.
We was bout to kiss until Amaya came good a God hola Luyaaa!!!!!!
"Oh my goodness no omg why did I came at the wrong time" said Amaya
"You came at the right time" We said at the same time
Wait whattt
"No I didn't y'all was bout to kiss wassup with y'all" said Amaya
We got up
"Nothing at all" said June
Amaya looked at me
I nodded "Okay I have to get going home" I said
"Okay byee girly" said Amaya giving me a hug
"Byee and bye Juney" I said with a smile while waving at him
"Don't call me that" said June
I did a giggle"Alright call me" I said l walking off
Did I just tell him to call me oh my goodness
Jade and June thoee❤️❤️!!
Excuse my mistakes!!!!

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