"I forced open my Gate to simply tell you - " Loke paused there, revealing a bouquet of exquisite red roses from behind his back, " - happy eighteenth birthday."

Lucy started, surprised. "Wha - how do you know today's my birthday?"

"All your spirits know," Loke said, tapping the side of his head. "It's programed into our brains."

"You didn't tell anybody from the guild, did you?" Lucy gasped, her eyes widening in terror.

Loke quirked an eyebrow. "No...I figured they already knew."

"They don't, and I'd really appreciate it if you didn't tell them," Lucy pleaded.

"May I ask why?"

"I just...don't really celebrate my birthday. It was never a big deal at my house, so it's not a big deal to me," Lucy explained uncomfortably. She gratefully took the beautiful roses from Loke's hands. "Thank you for the flowers though. They're gorgeous."

Loke gave her a debonair smile, plucking a rose from the arrangement and sniffing it tenderly. "A thousand of the most magnificent roses couldn't match your stunning perfection."

Lucy grabbed Loke's key, forcing the closure of his gate. "Bye, Loke."

"Farewell, my lovely Lucy! Until I see you again!" Loke blew her a kiss, and was gone. Lucy shook her head and exchanged another look with Plue. After a moment of consideration, Plue pressed his white paw to his mouth and blew Lucy a tiny kiss. Unable to contain her squeal, Lucy scooped Plue up in her arms and smothered him in a hug. "You're so cute!"

She let him go, watching his eyes spin from lack of oxygen. Shifting the roses in her arms (they were rather bulky and superfluous) she stepped onto the ledge again, resuming her leisurely stroll through Magnolia.


"Are you sure we should be bothering her, Natsu?" Happy asked as he and his Dragonslayer casually walked into Lucy's apartment without even knocking. Normally this wouldn't faze Happy in the slightest, but yesterday Lucy specifically requested that they don't come to her house. She'd seemed rather depressed.

"Stop worrying about it, Happy," Natsu said, waving a dismissal hand. "When she said she didn't wanna see anybody, she wasn't talking about us. Besides, don't you wanna make sure she's okay?"

"No, she was talking to us," Happy corrected. "And I do, but - "

"Then stop nagging." Natsu called Lucy's name and cupped a hand around his ear for a response. He pouted and flopped down on the couch, resting his feet on the table. "She's not even here! Why did she tell us not to come if she's not even here?"

"Perhaps that's why she told us not to come," Happy pointed out.

Natsu shook his head. "Sounds suspicious. I'm gonna wait for her here."

"If you're so worried about her, why don't you track her down?" Happy said, tapping his nose to signify that Natsu could make good use of his incredible Dragonslayer sense of smell.

"She'll be back," Natsu said, raiding the refrigerator.

"Yes, you seemed very concerned for Lucy's safety." Happy shook his head and perched on Lucy's desk until she got back. He shuffled through papers of every shape and size, until he found one worth reading. Lucy has such boring mail, he thought, skimming through the handwritten letter. It seemed to be one of Lucy's journal entries to her mother - it was dated for July 1st, as a matter of fact. His eyes widened as he read. "Natsu..."

"Hmm?" the Salamander came to Happy's side, mouth full of sandwich.

"Read this," Happy ordered, shoving the letter in Natsu's face.

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