Chpter One.

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Chapter 1

Taylor's POV -

        "And all I feel in the stomach is butterflies," Ed sings. I look out in the crowed as he sings his lines perfectly. Tonight was the first night Ed and I were going to do something special. After we finished playing Everything Has Changed we decided to sing The A Team! It was my idea and it took some begging but I finally convinced him to do it. "And all I know since yesterday is everything has changed," I finished the song. The crowed cheered and both me and Ed looked out and smiled. "Now ladies and gentlemen, both me and Ed would happen to know that if you screamed loud enough we would sing an amazing song called The A Team!" I shouted into the microphone. The whole place screamed louder then ever before and yelled positive comments.  "Before we do can you please hold up anything that makes light so it can be as beautiful as this song." I smile glancing over at a blushing Ed. I start strumming to his song and he joins in. "White lips, pale face, breathing in the snowflakes," he sings smiling. "Burnt lungs, sour taste." I've always had this little crush on Ed and a little voice in the back of my head tells me to confess but I know he doesn't feel the same. I've thought about it so much that's it's almost impossible to fade away. Why bother if its hopeless? Because it's Ed and it's impossible to not fall for him. "And they say she's in the class A Team," Ed's beautiful voice drowned me out of my thoughts. "Stuck in her daydream been this way since 18," I begin to sing along. The crowed was amazing tonight. All the Sheerios and Swifties sang along to the whole song. "Lady's and Gentle men Ed Sheeran!" I yelled after finishing the song, pulling Ed into a hug

        In a little bit I was bowing along with all the dancers. Confetti falls to the ground (A/N im sO creatiVe jk I hate when people talk like that bye) as I waved and turned to walk offstage. The reason why I'm still here is because of the fans. I have haters but swifties are always sticking up for me and always stand by my side. I walk into the my dressing room quickly and change into and outfit for club red. I picked out a pair of jeans and a white button up shirt and brushed my hair out. I decided to leave my makeup the same and walked out of the door. I slid down the wooden floors backstage in my socks and wondered into the club red area. I found Ed by all the chocolate and smirked.

        "How are you eating after being on the wall of losers?" I joke walking up to him. Just yesterday I took him to a eating contest and he ending up failing and puking everywhere. He in fact did not do it for America.

        "Because its food." he said with his mouth full smiling. I laugh at him and duck under his arm to grab a few chocolate bars. He flinched down blocking me from getting under.

        "My candy!" he said in a little voice.

        "It's only fair I I get some." I pouted.

        "Only if you win a..." he paused leaning in. "TICKLE FIGHT!" he yelled and started tickling me until I fell on the ground.

        "Ed-sto- I can't breathe!" I tried to say in between laughing.

        "Nope, I'm sorry stopping is impossible if you want chocolate." he says in his heavy British accent.

        "Fine, I give u-" I turn him around so I'm on top and start ticking him to the point we both just end up lying on the ground laughing.

        "I believe I won." I declared standing up and grabbing the 'Red' chocolates.

        "I have to say I don't agree on that one Ms. Swift," he smirks grabbing the whole bowl following me into Club Red.

        "I'm not going to feel sorry for you when you have a major stomachache tonight!" I declare loudly. 

*A/N: so yes a very bad chapter BUT WATEVER YANNO IT'S ONLY 3AM WOOT LET'S PARTY. but no I'm sorry this sucks I PROMISE the next chapter will be more interesting oops. WHALE ANYWAY BYE BYE NUGGETS I LOVE YOU*

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