"Might be fun, but I'll have to take a rain check on that for now," Trunks replied gazing with a smug smile at the now wide-eyed Pan as she processed what he was insinuating.

"Damn you," Pan replied before releasing a kai wave towards Trunks.

Trunks used a pulse of energy to block her blow and then slowly rose to his feet. Pan waited trying to prepare herself for whatever attack he would bring towards her, but she was surprised when he disappeared before her eyes. Pan looked around the room for any sign of him and just as she was about to release a sigh she felt a pair of strong muscled arms wrap around her waist and pull her into a tight back to front hug.

"Did you really think I would ignore you all night Panny?" Trunks whispered in her ear.

"So you have been such an ass just to piss me off?" Pan growled trying to pull his arms off of her.

"Yeah, that just about sums it up. So let me get a good look at you," Trunks said before turning her around and holding her at arms-length so he could look her up and down.

Pan allowed him to look her up and down and found that his lengthy stare made her uncomfortable and angry. She felt her kai began to rise as he took his time looking from her chest to her feet. His blue eyes traveled slowly from her face, down her chest, over her waist, and finally settled on her feet before moving up once more to be met with an expression of rage. Trunks's gaze softened when took notice of her long hair. Pan froze in complete shock as his tail uncurled itself from his waist and began to wrap itself around her middle.

"So what has been happening in your life?" Trunks asked focusing his concentration on Pan's face.

"Nothing besides training and school which is awful since everyone treats me like I'm an alien," Pan replied sourly.

"What do you mean by alien?" Trunks asked, he released her and sat down on the ground before motioning her to do the same.

"My family is famous on both sides so everyone assumes certain things about me. One thing they assume is that I'm easy, but at the same time they believe I'm in a long term relationship with some rich family friend that I constantly cheat on by having lots of sex. I've never even been on a date or kissed so I don't know what they are thinking! The second thing is that I'm super strong and have to keep constant control of my emotions or else I could end up hurting someone. I just wish sometimes that I could be normal," Pan rambled unable to stop the flow of words once they had started.

"I'm sorry Panny," Trunks replied but before he could say anything more a voice broke into their conversation.

"Go change into something proper to train in and then return. I want to see a proper spar between you and the brat," Vegeta called from the door.

Pan hopped up from the ground and grabbed her coat on the way out the door. She headed down the hallway towards a guest room that she used when she spent the night at C.C. She went to the closet and pulled out something to train in. When Pan was making her way back to the training room she could hear Vegeta giving Trunks an earful. Just as Pan entered the room she heard Trunks snap, "I'm aware of everything so get off my back."

"Brat," Vegeta growled lowly, but stopped when he noticed Pan had returned to the room.

Pan stood in the room now dressed in a pair of black capris and a grey sports bra. She had pulled her long hair into a braid that hung down her back. She smiled at the look on Trunks's face when he spotted her. He smiled back before starting to stretch his muscles. He knew that since his father was in the room the fight would be real and he would need the extra flexibility stretching could provide.

"Ready!" Pan called after a minute with a bright smile.

"Okay, Brat are you ready or do you need some more time to prepare?" Vegeta asked sarcastically still angry at his oldest child.

"I'm good," Trunks replied taking his place opposite Pan.

"Okay, begin!" Vegeta announced before leaning back on the door to watch the spar.

Pan surveyed all possible attack methods while Trunks watched her making counter strike plans for any move she seemed to be planning. When she noticed what he was doing she gave up her planning and charged towards him. She brought her leg back high into the air and tried to kick down on him, but she was blocked by a kick of his own. Pan was knocked back and landed on her feet before charging once more. She was beginning to grow frustrated with being knocked back so she started to launch kai blasts to distract him so she could land a punch or kick on his body.

"I have been training while I was away Panny so don't expect this to be an easy fight," Trunks said softly in her ear as he phased behind her to dodge kai blasts.

"Then why are you holding back?" Pan replied bringing her leg up over her head to try to smash him in the face, suddenly grateful that her grandmother had taught her that move. He stumbled back shocked holding his nose for a moment before straightening as she turned around.

"I don't know why don't you tell me?" Trunks asked having had enough of their simple exchange of blows. Trunks began to power up and became a Super Saiyan level two.

"Nice job, but you aren't the only one who can dye their hair without the use of hair dye anymore," Pan replied with a smirk. She began to power up watching his facial expression as her level rose higher and higher until her hair flashed golden-white staying straight in the air momentarily before settling down her back in golden spikes as her teal colored eyes stared at Trunks.

"How?" Trunks asked softly unable to keep his pride at her accomplishment out of his voice.

"Practice and determination mostly, it took Grandpa and Vegeta beating me down to almost death before I could make the transition. Technically I have the power level of a Super Saiyan 2, but because of my lack of Saiyan blood I am unable to have traditional levels," Pan explained tugging on a lock of her hair.

"Amazing," Trunks replied.

"Are you two ladies going to chat or fight?" Vegeta called out a smirk on his lips.

"Fight," Pan replied with a small grin of her own before turning her attention back to her opponent.

They once again began to spar. The speed they attacked each other almost quadrupled and their blows were meant to maim each other in order to win the spar. Pan sent blast after blast at Trunks while he moved closer for kicks and punches aware that he had the upper hand when it came to strength. To the outsider it would seem as if the two were evenly matched, but Vegeta was watching Trunks closely as he began to become more and more discontent at how long it was taking him to overpower her.

Finally after what seemed like forever Pan seemed to be about to make a knockout blow on Trunks, but instead Trunks reacted and used a new move he had not perfected. A kai blast shot towards Pan and when she went to hit it away it broke into several smaller energy balls which ripped into her at such close range causing her to let out a pained scream before collapsing on the floor. Trunks realizing that she was falling rushed forward and caught her protectively in his arms.

"Well Brat it would seem that your Saiyan instinct to prove yourself woke up. How is she?" Vegeta asked and then noticed his son's posture and how he was clinging to Pan.

"Pretty," Trunks murmured.

Vegeta's eyes widened slightly as he realized what was happening. He took a cautious step towards his son who turned around sharply cradling the injured Pan in his arms. Vegeta once again tried to move around to the front to see Pan, but Trunks instead growled and narrowed his eyes on Vegeta.

"Brat, I need you to let me take her to her room," Vegeta said softly trying to force Trunks to release her.

"Mine!" Trunks exclaimed barring his teeth at his father.

"Trunks," Vegeta began but was stopped with Trunks moved past him towards the exit of the room. Growling slightly at Vegeta who Trunks felt was a threat to the bundle in his arms.

Trunks carried the unconscious Pan up to his room where he laid her gently on the bed. Once he was sure she was in a comfortable position, he laid down next to her wrapping her tightly in his arms. It didn't take him long before he drifted off into a happy sleep the still unconscious Pan nestled in his arms.

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