Deeply, Madly and Crazy

Começar do início

"When did you start dating her?" She directly asked out of nowhere and I instantly felt that my throat almost dried out.

Bloody Hell. Suki Waterhouse, is this your plan?! I was silently cursing Suki in my head, when Kendall repeated her question again that made me more nervous than I already am.

"When did you start dating her, Cara?" She impatiently asked again, still with the same expression on her face.

I coughed a little to gain my voice back and try to calm myself a bit, before answering her question. "I don't know what you're talk--" Before I could even finish the first part of my explanation, she already butted in again.

A very serious look sitted on her face before saying, "I thought we're bestfriends? I mean minutes ago you're telling me to open up to you, because your my bestfriend." She sarcastically said to me and I can totally see all the shade she's throwing at me.

This escalated quickly.

"Yes we are. But I really don't have any idea of wh--" I was about to explain everything, that this is all Suki's idea and I don't have anything to do with it. But then just like earlier, I was again interrupted in the middle of my sentence.

"Stop lying." She snapped out at me and I can hear the disappointment. She even let go of my hand again, as her her tone got a little louder than the usual.

Woah?! I didn't see this coming. Why the hell are we arguing about me dating Suki?!

I was starting to get pissed about the situation but I controlled myself and tried to just explain my side again.

"I'm not lying Kendall. For Christ sake I do--" But then again, she never let me to.

"Just answer my question then and start being my bestfriend." She firmly said and I can hear anger rising in her voice.

What the fuck is going on? How come that this conversation turned out to be about my issue? And she even started questioning our friendship?

"I'm your bestfriend Kendall. I didn't know that your doubting me. My God!" I sadly said to her, as my heart got hurt on what she had just stated.

All this time, I was trying my best to be her bestfriend, even if I wanted to be more than just that and now she's questioning me?

I'm trying to be the best bestfriend that I can ever be for her, even though deep inside, its breaking me into pieces. Because what I'm trying to do right now, is like slapping myself with the reality that, that is all I could ever be to her.


"I am not! I just want you to be honest with me! When did you start dating her?!" She asked back at me and now I can confirmed that she's angry. She even stood up and placed her hands on her waist while raising her eyebrow at me.

I am being honest!

I can't help but to frustratedly stood up too, as I massage my temple before answering back at her.

"Why are you shouting? Why does this conversation turned out to be about me? You're the one who's crying earlier Kendall. Not me." I said as calmly as I could, because I don't wanna add up another fire to this already burning conversation.

"Why can't you just answer my fucking question?!" She shouted again for the hundred time and I can see the tears falling in her eyes, as her face began to reddened.

"I've been trying to answer it Kendall. But you're always cutting me off. What's wrong with you?!" I asked back and I can't help but to match the tone of her voice.

LuckyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora