Being followed?

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I padded out of the camp and back to my den wondering about the prophecy I shook my head when i reached my den Little did I know a kit followed me To my den before I slept He poked his head through the lichen and asked "Er Who are you?" I replied "Why i'm Raven Who are you?" "I'm DuskKit" (Blaze if you see this before u replied im so sorry XD) He said "You should be getting back it's getting dark and I think it's gonna rain" I said looking at the sky He said again "Ok" and ran off. Kits, I sighed and went to slept Sunlight shone in my eyes when I woke up I decided a Morning walk would be nice so I stretched and walked out, About 30 minutes later I Accidently ran into a kittypet he growled angrily "Watch where you are running shecat!" I glared at him with piercing Odd eyes  I looked at his collar it read "Ralph" "So "Ralph" Do you wish to go or die" I stood taller He said sure but I must tell him my name I said it was Raven.

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