After the cleansing, the Shinzou dressed her before leaving her alone in her room. She slowly opened the sliding paper doors and felt the cool breeze drift into her hair. It was usually pinned up in many decorations, but for once, she allowed it to fall to her shoulders in a barrage of white. She sat, her bottom rested securely on her resting ankles as she felt little bits of dried leaves drift into the room and dart past her cheeks.

      She sighed, slowly standing up and walking onto the outside halls that overlooked the trees. Her shoes remained by the door and she put them on before closing the sliding doors behind her and walking out of the house.

      The streets of the red light district weren't too packed, and the hotels were glowing with lights, but she skipped those as she let her feet take her where she wanted.

      Her stomach rumbled in hunger (which was a nice change since she hadn't been able to properly digest food in days) and that finally lead her to the ramen shop. She took a seat next to Kakashi, as if it were second nature. He looked like he just got through with training, like usual. Why he decided to train so late, she never bothered to ask.

      Just like he never asked why she walked around so late in the night.

      Teuichi smiled at her, his face kind, as he began making tare ramen. He never asked anymore since that was the only thing she ordered.

      "Lovely night to show a girl his face," Anomie greeted, and Kakashi turned her way. She saw his lips form a scowl from behind the mask, causing her to fight back a smile. "Don't worry. If this is about the buck teeth," her voice dropped into a whisper as she leaned forward. "I won't judge."

      "Shut up, Anomie," he retorted, rolling his eyes in a lazy manner.

      "You look exhausted," she murmured, motioning to the bags growing under his eyes. "Don't overdo it with missions."

      "It's a war. What do you expect?" he muttered, and by the time she blinked, half of his ramen was gone and his mask remained still on.

      She clicked her tongue, vaguely impressed and surprised he actually dignified her words with a retort, "I expect you take care of yourself. Was I correct in assuming you can't cook your own nutritious meals?"

      "Was I correct in assuming that you can't mind your business," Kakashi's eyes met hers, and her lips twitched in a held back smile before she lazily covered her lips with her palm.

      "You were," she replied, and the sleeves of her kimono slipped down, forcing her to quickly stopped its descent with her other hand. She didn't bat an eyelash as his eyes snapped to the bit of exposed bruises that was only visible for an instant. He said nothing against them.

      "How is Rin?" Kakashi asked, glancing her way. Anomie blinked at the changed subject, but welcomed it.

      "As expected. She still misses her mother, but time heals those types of wounds," Anomie sighed as a bowl of ramen was placed in front of her. She bowed her head in thanks and parted her chopsticks. "In time, the pain becomes a distant memory on most waking hours until she will get used it and it will numb over the course of her life." She glanced back towards Kakashi, finding he had frozen and his eyes were slightly wider. "That's how people deal with the death of a loved one...or so I've read. I wouldn't know personally."

      "I see," came Kakashi's slow reply.

      "She'll be okay and by the time Obito becomes a Chūnin, team Minato will be back together again." Anomie's voice gave away the humor and amusement almost immediately, and Kakashi scowled. "What don't you like about Obito anyway? He seems nice to me."

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