Chapter 1 Gem

Depuis le début

(I am 10, Yuki is 9, Zero is 10)

After I gained Zero's trust he didn't care that I was a pureblood. "Zero, Gem get down your going to hurt yourselves." Yuki yelled from the base of the tree Zero and I were climbing.

"Bet I can go higher." I say ignoring Yuki and climb a few more branches up, and he does the same. We start climbing down once we can't go any farther and see Kaien and Yuki waiting for us.

(Now)  (Zero and I are 17, Yuki is 16)

As I dreamed again I felt someone shaking me. "Uhhh let me sleep." I push their arm away but regret it when I feel someone pick me up and throw me over their shoulder. "Hey, Zero put me down." I hit him in the back and he drops me, but I land on my feet.

"It's time for school so get up." I roll my eyes and push him out of my room. 'Oh yay school.' I think sarcastically, I would be a junior but Zero and I started late so now we're sophomores with Yuki. Walking to my closet Yuki bursts through the door and runs to me, "The headmaster wanted me to give this to you." She hands me a white arm band for our job as the disiplanary committee, and night class guards.

"Thanks Yuki I'll be out in a few minutes." She leaves and I put on my day class uniform. I'm a vampire in the day class, but I cover up my vampire aura so the rest of the night class doesn't know about me. Only one person in the night class knows, and that's Kaname Kuran. The only other pureblood that attends Cross Academy.

I brush my long silver hair and play with the black tips at the end. Walking out of my room I meet Yuki at the door of the headmasters mansion. We walk to the school building with Zero, and Yuki runs off to her friend Sayori. "Welp looks like your stuck with me." I say and nudge Zero's shoulder, he smirks at me and rubs my head messing up my hair.

"Ahhh Zero don't do that!" I slap his arm and he laughs, when I heard him laugh I smile. "What are you smiling about?" He goes back to his serious face and I turn forward, "no reason." We get to class on time and I sit beside Yuki.

"I can't wait to see the night class!" "I know I hear there all hot." "Eeeeee!!!" The girls are fangirling over the night class, and school just began.... great.

After day classes are over Zero, Yuki and I pull on our armbands and walk to the moon dorm gates. The girls were already piled up in front of the gate yelling for the night class. "Get back now!" I yell at a group of girls and they back up about quickly. "Ahhh Zero and Gem are scary." The girls pout and I roll my eyes.


The door creaks open and the night class students start walking out. "AHHH!!" Yuki screams as the girls knock her over running to Aido the playboy as I call him. Kaname walks up to her and helps her up, I keep my arms crossed as the girls in front of me cry for the boys. They don't dare move closer when they see my glare at them.

Kaname walks by and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Hello, It's good to see you Gem." He says and I turn to him, "You to Kaname-sama." I go to bow but he holds my shoulders straight restraining me. "There's no need to be formal, Kaname is fine like normal." I smile happily and he returns one, "Alright Kaname I'll see you later, you better get to class." He walks away and I turn back to the girls.

"Kaname-sama touched her." "Your not taking Kaname-sama away from us."

They glared at me until Zero walked over and the girls finally went back to their dorm. "What was that about?" He asked and I laughed, "just those girls are jelous that Kaname was talking to me." He didn't look happy but nodded.

  "Let's get ready to patrol," I pulled out my Dark Rose gun and my Silver knife then put it on my belt with the chain hanging down my leg. "Alright I'm ready." We walk to the school doors and split up, I went on second floor terrace outside of one of the classrooms.

"It's quiet today, noone outside snooping for the night class." Yuki walks over beside me as I leaned on the concrete railing. "Yea, but guess what it didn't last long," she followed my eyes to the ground where there was two day class students.

She jumps onto a tree and I hopped onto the railing and jumped down. Yuki landed and I landed beside her she went up to the girls, "Go back to your dorm. The Night class isn't to be disturbed whole there in class." She tells them and I smell blood from the girls.

"Are you hurt?" Yuki asks the girls and I see one of there legs was bleeding. "You need to get back to the dorm now." I turned away from the smell and saw Hanabusa Aido and Akatsuki Kain standing there.

  "It's Idol and Wild!" The girls fangirl and Aido walks up to Yuki "We smelt blood amd came to investigate. You smell so nice." He grabs Yuki's Artemis and I point my gun at him. "Get back to class or I'll shoot you." I growl at him but start coughing when the smell of blood gets stronger and burns my nose.

Sinking to the ground I see Aido bite Yuki's wrist. "Aido, stop." She tries to push him away and drops her Artemis. The smell makes my lungs hurt and I continue trying to catch my breath. "Has the smell of blood make you loose control, vampire?" Zero's voice says. Click I hear Zero's Bloody Rose being cocked back and look up.

The muzzle of the gun was pressed against the back of Aido's head, and he slowly pulled away from Yuki. Zero pulled the trigger and Yuki ran to him "Zero you can't shoot him idiot," I watched the bullet hit the tree above Aido.

"Aido!" Glancing to my left I saw Kaname walking onto the scene. "Ichijo take Aido and Kain to the headmaster for their punishment. Gem are you alright?" He leans down and helps me stand up, I nod my head. "Yea I'm fine. You should go calm the Night Class down since they will smell the blood." He looks at me and nods. "Alright. Yuki go clean your wound, to stop the bleeding." Yuki clenches her hand and smiles, "Ok Kaname-sama I will. Thanks for getting those to from doing anything they will regret."

Kaname strokes my hair then turns and walks to the classroom. "The night class is almost over, so let's go back to our dorms." Yuki tries to walk toward me but I put my hand up, "don't come closer." She nods and Zero comes up to me helping me walk back to the headmasters mansion. "When was the last time you had anything to quench your thirst?" He asks and I look at him shaking my head. He holds me up and carries me to my room.

"I try to take the tablets but my body keeps rejecting them." I say leaning into him. He sits me on my bed and I tell him to go get rest. "I want to watch over you." He tries to get me to let him stay, but I shake my head. "No go shower and rest." He lowers his eyes and leaves the room, "Fine." 

Soon I get off the bed, listening to Yuki and Zero arguing again. I walk to my desk, picking up the blood tablets. I throw a handful into my mouth and swallow them. "Uhhh," I look at my reflection and see someone behind me. "Gem the tablets won't work. Your a pureblood whose never used her fangs. Drink my blood I want you to." I see Kaname standing there and he pulls me to him. "No I can't." I look away, and he shakes me, "you need it, take as much as you need." I look up into his eyes and move to his neck hesitantly.

I lick his neck before sinking my fangs into his flesh. "Slowly." He rubs my hair slowly as his blood flows down my throat. Once I pull away my legs give out and Kaname lays me back on my bed. "Don't worry, it's fine." He wipes the blood off my lips and I close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep.




New story, thank you for reading. I wanted to stay with a long first chapter, and I think I did with 2200+ words.

I will still update my other story also.

His Pureblood PrincessOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant