Sergio glanced back at Kiara, leading her in another direction. "It's...lot...where we..."

"What?" she nearly screamed.

"I said," he shouted back, "it's a lot quieter where we are going."

She nodded, thankful when he entered a back room that shielded her from the commotion. In it were leather seats and poker tables where several men played. One with light brown hair looked at Sergio and asked, "New girlfriend, today?" He turned back to his cards.

"Not this time." Sergio smiled. "She's a friend of mine."

"Sure." The man rolled his eyes.

"Don't listen to him, Kiara. He's just mad that I beat him at poker the last time I was here."

The man gave Sergio a sideways glance. "Where's Miguel tonight?"

Sergio waved him off. "Probably screwing that blonde he's been seeing."

"Right. What's that about? Don't think I've ever seen Miguel go out with the same chick twice. Is it serious?"

Sergio shrugged. "It doesn't look serious, but I don't know. Miguel's never been serious before. I doubt I could tell the difference anyway." They both laughed.

Kiara thought about it. Miguel did have a hardened exterior. He did not seem like the romantic type, but the stars in his art room showed there was more underneath his mask. There may have been a gentler side to him.

"Finally," said Sergio as a waitress came in. Sergio did not seem to notice that the waitress was topless. Kiara looked away. She had never been to a place like this. "Here you go, doll." Sergio stuck several bills inside the waitress's apron; then he handed Kiara a drink and quickly gulped his down.

"This place is wild, isn't it, Kiara." Sergio pulled her to one of the small sofas as the waitress set her tray on the table in front of them. Kiara did not know who was going to drink all that alcohol. There was a bottle of tequila and rum with sodas and glasses of ice. The waitress also left a couple of shot glasses to top it off. Kiara felt nauseous thinking about it all.

"Drink," urged Sergio as the waitress left the room. "I can't get wasted alone."

Kiara thought about it. Drinking with Sergio was probably the last thing she should do, but what could one drink hurt? Kiara drank from the glass he gave her.

"What is it?" she asked, trying to place the unfamiliar taste. It was actually good. Kiara could barely taste the alcohol at all.

"Just a vodka drink. Good huh?" She nodded, thinking it must have had very little liquor. After thirty minutes passed and Kiara was starting to relax, her phone rang. It was her sister. If Regina was calling her this late at night, it must be important. "Sergio," she tapped on his arm, "I have to use the restroom."

"All right, just go right out that door and to the right. You can't miss the signs."

Kiara nodded and exited the door, making her way to a large restroom that was almost the size of her apartment. She found an empty stall on the far end and dialed her sister back.

"Regina, what's wrong?" Kiara asked in a frenzy.

"It's Daddy, Kiara. He felt bad that you were trying to send us money and that you were working two jobs. He tried to go back to work."

"Oh my god...what happened?"

"He fell down at one of the construction sites, and now he won't talk to anyone at all. Just tell me what to do?"

Kiara was relieved to hear that nobody was seriously injured and gave Regina some comforting words. "Look, I'll come visit in a couple of weeks. Don't worry about Daddy. It's just hard for him that he's not young anymore. He'll be better in a few days. All right?"

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