7 - Stay Away

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     "Why is it a problem?"

     "Nothing, Frances. You're too young to understand."

     "Stop avoiding my questions!" Frank screamed.

    Gerard did nothing but stare for a few moments at the smaller man boiling with anger in front of him. He didn't quite understand how Frank could be angry at something that wasn't important to him.

     "Frances, I-"

     "No! No more 'Frances'! My name is Frank! Spell it out with me now, F-R-A-N-K. Frank. That's how it always was, that's how it'll always be. Now I don't know what it is that draws me towards you, but goddamnit, Gerard, stop treating me like a fucking five-year-old!" Frank watched Gerard wince every time he swore, "I'm not your fucking pet, and I'm sure as hell not your friend if this is how I'm treated. I haven't got the slightest fucking-"

     "Enough!" Gerard erupted, slamming his hand over Frank's mouth, a low, almost inaudible growl emerging from his larynx. He spoke in a rough whisper, "Do you want to hear real swearing, Frances? Frank? Is that what you want to hear? I can show you the exact reason why I never swear, and I can teach you a lesson to never drag me out of my home without my consent. Now, you listen to my words, and you listen well. Tomorrow, on Hallows Eve-"

     "Halloween," Frank mumbled through Gerard's hand.

     "Hallows Eve," he repeated, "There is a gathering of demons in the Devil's Circle in the woods near my mansion. Do you want to know what they do on Hallows Eve? They try to ressurect the dead. And not the old grannies and dead dogs. No, they ressurect the murderers and serial killers. The people who were killed for a reason. Do you want to know how they do it? They use human sacrifices. At this moment, I'm very frustrated with you. But in the long run, I care about you, Frances, I really do. Please don't come to my house tomorrow."

     With the last hitch in his breath, Gerard released Frank's skull and forced his way past Frank into the early morning shadows. Frank was temporarily paralyzed, not being able to move or say anything, just to think about the words Gerard had said to him. He regained control of his limbs and vocal chords and spun around to run after Gerard. However, he couldn't see Gerard, only multiple street lights that shut off. Gerard watched Frank out of his study window, an ache in his chest that he hasn't felt for a long time.

     "It's for the best," a voice behind him announced.

     "I know," he halfheartedly replied, "but it hurt so much."


     When Frank finally got home, the door was unlocked and Jamia had fallen asleep on the couch. Frank sighed and woke her up slightly, enough to move her to the bed and lay down next to her.

     "It's like...four in the morning. Jesus, Frank."

     "I know, I-"

     "Shh, just sleep," she slurred, resting her head on his shoulder.

     Frank hummed in agreement and closed his eyes.

     "This way, this way!" Gerard cheered, his small teeth shining brightly in the afternoon sun. "I'm coming, relax ya goof," Frank called after him. Gerard let out a giggle, pulling Frank by his fingers into a field by the mansion. It was very beautiful, filled with daisies, lilacs, tulips, and roses. There was a single spot, however, that was completely barren of flowers, or grass even. Gerard was pulling him towards it. "What is that thing, Gee?" Gerard gave a crooked smile at the question and replied, "I dunno, let's go find out Frankie!" Gerard pulled him closer to the spot, which was shaped as a circle. Frank stared at it for a long time before looking back at Gerard. "Is this what I think it is?" Gerard took a step forward into the circle. "I guess so," he said, stepping back out. "Why don't you go take a look?" Frank took a weary step over the line of floral beauty and looked back at Gerard. "Go on," he smiled brilliantly. Frank stepped completely into the circle and was immediately followed by Gerard. An eerie music started playing, like the kind of music that plays when something scary is going to happen in a horror movie. Frank spun in all different directions, looking for something that could possibly harm him. The only thing he could see was Gerard, smiling and waving at him. He slumped in confusion and sat on the dirt. "I don't get it." "Get what?" Frank felt a chill run up his spine as he fell over, forcing him to look at Gerard's face, which, instead of being warm and inviting, was now cold, misshapen, and demonic. The sky was no longer blue, but black, and the flowers around the field started to wilt and set on fire. "Frankie, let's play," the demonic Gerard cooed. "Let's have fun in the flowers, Frankie." His eyes were a brilliant vermillion and seemed to be radiating fire from the pupils. His skin was coarse and started to peel off, just like old paint. Gerard reached out to touch Frank's face.

   "Don't fucking touch me!" Frank screamed, sitting up in bed. Jamia's startled expression remained for a few seconds, letting Frank calm down.

     "Sorry. I just- nightmare."

     "I can tell," she nodded in response. Jamia was already fully dressed and had a tray covered in a variety of breakfast foods in her arms.

     "Jesus, what time is it?"

     "One o'clock. I was going to make lunch, but I thought you might want breakfast instead," she set the tray down on the bed.

     "Thanks," he smiled, kissing her forehead.


     "Aye, ya should be grateful! Wakin' me up at this time o' day!"

     Mr. Mullock paced the old wooden floors, creating a light thump every time his cane met the boards. Gerard sat in his luxury chair, his fingers pressed against his mouth and deep purple circles under his eyes. He hadn't slept since the day before, and he couldn't bring himself to close his eyelids.

     "I know, I know. I just need some help. And I know you can provide the kind of help I need."

     The pacing stopped as Mr. Mullock's interest was peaked.

     "My help, ya say? What'cha be needin', Master Way?" he allowed his eyes to form into squints, "What'd ya do this time?"

     "I didn't do anything!" Gerard waved his hands frantically, then slowly dropped them. "Okay, maybe I did."

     "It was that boy, wasn't it!" he enunciated boy with a poke at Gerard with his cane. "I knew he be trouble!"

      "Well, see," Gerard began, "that's only part of my problem. I need you to keep Frances away from my house. Today being Hallows Eve, I'm going to be working in the, um," he paused, "cellar."

     "The cellar!" Mr. Mullock snorted. "Why didn't ya say so! I'll keep the boy away, don't you worry, Master Way."

     "Thanks," he slurred, letting his mind drift and his eyelids drop.

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