4- See You Later

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"Let's get these boxes loaded up, shall we?"

Frank obeyed the enchanting man and quickly started to neatly stack the average-weight boxes into the back of the hearse. Gerard just stood there watching, waiting for the small man to finish his task. It was almost as if Gerard was training him; for what, Frank had no idea. But it was still a thought in the back of his mind.

"All done!" Frank exclaimed, almost a bit too excited.

"Am I going home now?"

Frank hadn't known they were going to find a troll man who sold candles in an abandoned warehouse. If he had, he probably would've declined the invitation to come along. He doesn't have anything against mythical creatures, he just didn't know that they actually existed. The fact that Gerard was acting suspicious didn't help either.

"Of course," Gerard responded with no hint of hesitation.

"But wouldn't you like to visit The River?"

Frank's thoughts were racing as he tried to figure out if Gerard meant the literal river or some other secret cult that he was a part of.

"Um, maybe some other time? I should really be getting home to my wife. See, it's already really late, and--"

"Your wife?"

Gerard spun to completely face Frank with a genuinely shocked look on his face.

"You have a wife, Frances?"

"Yeah," he replied, returning the same look mixed with confusion.

Gerard turned with a murmured, "Ah. Yes, of course," as he swiftly lunged into the black vehicle. Frank followed behind, only clumsier. The very second the door was closed, Gerard let his foot drop on the gas pedal as if it weighed a ton. Frank couldn't make out anything in the windshield, but he could hear the air rushing past them as they sped faster and faster-- down a very short street.

"Gerard, we should slow down," Frank blankly stated as Gerard obviously had no intention to.

"Gerard," still with no reaction.


The hearse came to an abrupt stop, almost causing Frank to hit the windshield if it weren't for life-saving seatbelts. He was almost reluctant at first to unfasten it, for he thought there was still a possibility they hadn't stopped yet.

Slightly reaching out to him, Frank asked quietly, "Gerard, are you okay--"

His speech was cut off by a low growling coming from Gerard. Frank jumped back at the inhuman noise that was coming from this man. He looked out the window and realized he was back at his own house. He swiftly and quietly unfastened his seatbelt and climbed ungracefully out of the vehicle. He walked around it to his front door and turned around only to see faint skid marks from when they stopped.


"I just don't get it, y'know?"

"He seems bipolar to me."

Frank and Ray were sat in a Starbucks, drinking coffee and evaluating the prior night's events. Frank explained everything to Ray, even the bit about thinking Gerard was pretty hot.

"No, it's not that, Ray, he's just..."

"Not normal?"

"Basically. Hold on, I gotta piss."


Trying to hold back laughter from Ray's remark, Frank strolled over to the back corridor leading to the bathrooms. It was longer than he remembered. A lot longer. It kept getting darker the farther he walked. He stopped at a point to look at a maticulous painting on the wall, complete with an expensive 18th century frame.

"What...the hell?" he whispered quietly.

He continued to walk down the hallway, which was almost now void of any light. He felt his way along, using the walls to his sides to balance him. He paused occasionally to muffle a scream when he brushed his hands through cobwebs.

"Why, hello, stranger."

Frank whipped around to see Gerard standing behind him holding a dim lantern. He had a smile on his face, like he was proud of Frank for doing something.

"I see you've found my secret tunnel. Well done, Frances."

Gerard moved past Frank with grace, his long jacket trailing behind him. Fearing more unseen cobwebs, Frank quickly followed behind.

"So, Frances, would you like to enlighten me on how you found my tunnel?"

"I was just in Starbucks, and was trying to find the bathroom."

Gerard let out a raspy laugh and added, "Well that's lovely," causing a slight blush to appear on Frank's face. Gerard travelled down the corridor only to appear at a bolted door to which he revealed a small key.

"A Skeleton Key; opens any of my doors," he said in an almost whisper.

He unlocked the door which led to his study. Frank didn't enter for a moment, suddenly remembering what happened the day before. Gerard stopped in his tracks to look back at Frank with a concered expression.

"Are you alright, Frances? Would you like me to read something for you? I can read...well I have many titles. You can choose. I have acquired many--"

"That Russian one. From yesterday."

Gerard stood with his hands raised, obviously something that rich, fancy people did when they spoke. "Are you sure? I have many others, I--"

"No. I want that one. I want you to read it to me; well, and translate it. I wanna know what it means."

Gerard shrugged and practically lunged over to the desk where the book was laying, still from the previous night. He walked over to the Grand Fireplace and took a seat, not on the lavish chair in front of it, but rather on the floor. He gave a meek smile to Frank as he patted the wood and carpet next to him. Frank was a bit weary, but approached anyway, taking a seat next to the man whose pasttime was defying Father Time.

"Alright," Gerard began with an elegant story-telling voice that Frank didn't know he had, "this is titled 'Za Pravdu' which in Russian is 'For Truth'."

He sat up straight and instructed Frank to make himself comfortable as he started quickly translating the text.

"It is said that many have long awaited the arrival of one so astonishing; one that could break the curse and lift the veil to reveal a true beauty."

"Wait, is this just Russian Beauty and the Beast?"

"Hush, Frances! You musn't interrupt! Now, where was I... Ah, yes. Lingering for a love that could be as eternal as a frozen sunset. Settling for a lust that could...could..."


Gerard froze in place, staring at the foriegn book in his hands. His eyes widened as he slowly repositioned his gaze to Frank. "Could...could...," he repeated, softer and softer and moving closer to Frank until he was only an inch away.

"G-Gerard...I-I should go...Jamia probably n-needs me."

With this last remark, Frank bounced up off the floor and ran down the dark corridor from which he came, ending up back at Starbucks. Gerard sat motionless in front of the Grand Fireplace, clutching the worn book in his white fingers.

"...Could finally bring the monster into the light."

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