30.) The Continuation of a Strange Day

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"We need to find out who it is!"

The bell rings and everyone was up. A few second later couch Finstock comes down there hall with a bull horn.

"I've talked to the principle, just because there was a life threat, don't expect there to be no school!" He says

I roll my eyes and head to fourth hour. I sit down and we are getting moved.

"Adam, Maddie, Sarah, Liam, Adena, Samantha." She says pointing to two round tables right next to each other. "I am sorry Mrs. McCall for putting you in between the siblings."

"Maddie, I think you need our help." Adam says

"With what?"

"Taking down Malcom."

"How can you help?"

Just then I hear the counselor come in.

"Ladies and Gentlemen this is Kari Argent. Please be nice and respectful to her." He said

"Well we are all out of room so pull up a chair at Adena's table. Adena raise your hand." Mrs. Goodmen said

She walked over and sat down.

"Your an Argent, as in Allison?" I ask

"Yes, she is my older sister I guess."

"Can I speak with you after class?"

"Sure!" She said with hope in her eyes

"You look a little young to be a freshman."

"Yeah I skipped 2 grades."

"Is Biology interrupting you conversation girls?" The teacher said

"Sorry Miss."

I turn back to Sarah and Adam and look at them.

"You where saying?"

"Where witches."

"What?!"I say standing up.

"Miss Goodman, can I go to the bathroom?"

"Yes, and so can you Sarah and Adena, or just Sarah this time?"she responded

"Just Sarah please." I said laughing.

"Go ahead." She said as we walked out.

I get to the bathroom and she is right behind me. She places her hand down on the counter and a red flash appeared.

"Wow!" I say in amazement

"I know, I have no idea why, but I wanna help."

We laugh.

The bell rings for lunch and we walk out. We bump into Miss Goodman.

"I see you girls worked some things out." She said and kept walking

"I have to grab my laptop, paper."

"Okay, let's go."

I turn around and run into Stiles.

"Do you mind?!" I yell

"Go away whore!" Lydia says walking up.

I growl and they walk away.

We get through lunch and the second half of fourth hour. Only thing is Adam and Sarah aren't there.

I look out the window and see all of the elemental kitsune's knocked out in a circle connected by a star in salt. Kari is on her knees in the middle with Adam and Sarah performing what looks like a spell around her. The only thing is there are guns being aimed at their heads.

And it's all on the lacrosse field.

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