28.) Game of Avoidence

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When I come to there was everyone.

"What happened!" He yelled

"What time is it?"

"7am. You where out all night." Sarah said

"Well I'm going to school." I say

I walk over to my closet and close the door. I grab my favorite lion king crop top and red pants. I walk out and grab my converse and my Star Wars hat. Then my back pack ad walk out.

I get to school and I see Liam, Sarah, and Adena there.

"What the hell are you doing here!"

"Looking out for you." Adena said

"Well go away." I shout and walk away. I pass my first hour and head straight for the library.

"Name?" The librarian asked

"Maddie McCall."

"Ok, your marked." He said

I walk in and sit down at one of the circle table. I catch a weird scent and then a guy walked in. I don't recognize him but he looks new.


"Brendon Cartmen"

"New kid?"


"Well no talking and only in here to read or study." The librarian said

He walked over and sat at the same table.

"Hi, now who are you?" I ask

"What?" He said

"Your scent!"

"It's called a Kanima."


"Shhhh!" Someone said

"It's ok. Don't be scared."

"Why shouldn't I, your a freaking Kanima."

"That's not all you know is it? No, you can smell something else on me, can't you." He insisted

"You don't have a good master, do you."

"Let's just say he goes by the name, Malcom."

I flash my eyes in anger and the lights go out. Then the emergency lighting flickers on and everyone is paralyzed from the neck down on the floor.

I see a tail crawl out he library door and I follow it.

Class by class I hear screams of innocent people. The screams pierce my ears and they get worse. Room after room my ears bleed more.

When we get to the class I'm supposed to be in I hear the scream of Mason and then I get trampled. Adena first, followed by Liam, Sarah, and some old friends of mine. Their names are Samantha Peterson, Jessica Longstinberg, and Kylie Chinstouski.

I look and there is the Brendon.

When I get closer I see only Adena, Liam, and Sarah don't have slits in the back of their necks.

By the time I notice Brendon Liam has a cut on the back of his neck.

I run at it and he throws me into a brick wall.

Adena turns to him and gets a good slash right across his face. It turns back into Brandon and looks at Sarah.

She turns and runs but he's faster. He cuts he back of her neck and she collapses to the ground.

I slash the back of his leg and he kicks me so I hit the wall again.

Adena stands up and looks him dead in the eye. I sand next to her and we both growl.

"Well this is a sight for sour eyes. Two best friends up against the bad guy. Well if you want a party, let's dance!" He said flicking his hands down and his eyes shifted.

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