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Chapter two
Psychos and rose red

"Fear can be used as an advantage in other ways than one"


As Sam's car pulled up into their driveway, she immediately pushed the car door open and rushed in towards her new house. Scrambling desperately through her black backpack, almost tripping on the stone stairs, after her keys. She groaned loudly out of frustration, realizing that they were nowhere to be found.

Sitting down on the staircase, she placed her head in her hands in exhaustion. Perks of being Samantha Wills.

After a while of just sitting there, almost falling asleep, Samantha raised herself off of the cold steps. She'd felt like everything still wasn't real. As if her mind was tricking her at the moment. She tried brushing the feeling off but it stuck with her. As if the dream or nightmare wasn't over yet.

Pulling out her phone out from her backpack, she pressed the home button and looked at the time.
The screen lit up reading ;
1 : 45 AM

A slight possibility bobbled up in her mind. Maybe her mother could be at the sheriff's station, knowing that she used to work late hours in their old town.
She quickly made her way towards her car, jumped in and drove off towards the sheriffs station.


Sam pulled up just outside of the sheriffs station, quickly gathering her things into her backpack and stalked up towards the entrance, shutting the car door behind her and locked it.

Her hand was about to come in contact with the cool metal handle, when she stopped abruptly for hearing the familiar deep sound of muffled gunshots. It felt as if it was too deep buried in something for others to actually have been able to hear it. Like shooting a bullet into a pillow except only in her mind. Yet it felt so real.

She gasped at the sound, jumping back a step and quickly moved her gaze from the door handle to the glass door.

Slowly Entering the sheriff station, Sam recognized it being empty. She wouldn't have thought of it twice, reminding herself that it was two in the morning but still kept her eyes open.

She walked up towards the lone reception. Looking around herself in worry. She felt something. Something bad. A dreaded feeling of fear.

"Hello?" She spoke, worry laced over her voice. She slowly leaned in towards the desk separating her from the room behind the reception desk.
"Anybody he -
A loud gasp escaped her mouth but was abruptly interrupted by her pushing her hands over her mouth. A whimper of fear liberated through her mouth.

"Oh my God." she whispered through her hands covering her mouth. She held in a terrified scream. Begging to un see the horrible image that was now plastered in her mind. Lying on the floor, was a female deputy bleeding out with deep wounds driving down her rib cage and through her organs. Her eyes were lifeless looking back at Sam.

She suddenly felt the presence of another person in the room. Alive.
As Sam hesitantly turned her head towards her right, the one and only cause of this ; Matt Dahler was standing at her side. A gun pointed straight at her skull. He simply shrugged at her not a glimpse of sympathy in his cold blue eyes.
Sam knew it was him, looking back at him with disgust in her eyes and tears determined to keep from falling.

Teen Wolf | Prison WorldHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin