Walking Away

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Chapter Twenty-Three: Walking Away

It was no surprise that Tabitha Lyght made the decision to move from Watchtower to Metro Tower, taking on the responsibilities of becoming the Monitor for the embassy on Earth. After all the repairs were completed on Watchtower, the lightning woman was formally introduced as the new Monitor. Metro Tower was smaller than the massive space station however it was designed almost the same; there were individual rooms for the members who decided to make their home there, a gym and training area, a cafeteria and even a simulation program room. At first, she looked forward to finding a place out in Metropolis however she changed her mind; she decided to make her home on Metro Tower.

The old Tabitha Lyght would have accepted the promotion with a smug grin on her face, knowing deep down that she had deserved it. It was what the Martian had trained her on for the past three and a half years; it was only fitting that she would be named Monitor sooner or later. However, being a part of the Justice League had humbled her greatly. Almost everyone that she spoke with was more than a colleague… they were a family. She was more willing to stand back and follow rather than lead, unless it pertained to the ones she loved.

She admitted that it was going to be a difficult task being Monitor. Not because of the responsibility that she had… but because it meant to be a close partner to the Monitor of Watchtower. Tabitha knew of three members who knew about their relationship; the others she had deemed clueless: J’onn and herself had to pretend that everything was as normal as could be. Tabitha was secretly let down that it seemed so easy for the Martian; a bit too easy. It was as if it didn’t bother him at all as he had gave her last minute pointers when she was aboard Watchtower; she almost welcomed the move to Metro Tower, just so she wouldn’t be around him as much.

What Tabitha didn’t know was that it was much harder on the Martian than he had led her to believe. It had been centuries since he felt the pain of heartache… and he didn’t like it one bit. He had grown so used to her being by his side, making smart remarks every chance she got! Seeing how her eyes shone whenever they looked at each other. How soft her skin felt whenever he touched her; it had pained him to be near her every day before her big move and he was no longer able to touch her. To keep from going insane, he had to force himself to act as if he was just fine being her friend yet again. No… they were not even that anymore, he realized as he stared out into space; they were simply League members.

“… J’onn…?” Diana’s voice broke his concentration. He looked her way, “Is everything okay?”

“Everything’s fine; why do you ask?”

“You’ve been really… distant lately.” she tried to find the right words. Ever since the intrusion and the departure of the lightning woman, Diana had noticed a slight change in the Martian. It had been almost four years since the young woman had come aboard Watchtower; before, he was always silent, keeping to himself. Diana was actually happy that he had finally became attached to the new member; Tabitha had slowly brought out a more social side of J’onn J’onzz.

Now that she was gone, the Martian had not only reverted back to his old self but it seemed as though he was merely going through the motions of all of his activities. Diana had a feeling on what the real problem was: just like the rest of the League who decided to stay aboard Watchtower, he missed Tabitha. It was no wonder, Diana reasoned; the two had become just as inseparable as Tabitha and Wally were.

He put his attention back out the window, staring at Earth. He wondered what Tabitha was doing at that moment and if she even thought about him as much as he did her. Was she suffering as bad as he was, wanting badly to simply run to him and accept his embrace?

“Just thinking…” he forced himself to respond. Diana slightly sighed and joined him.

“It’s going to be pretty quiet without her here… isn’t it…?” she volunteered. J’onn gave her a slight nod, “I know how close you two are…” she continued. He gave her a quick look; did she know about their relationship as well? Before he could answer, she looked at him and gave him a sympathetic smile, “It’s not like she left the League, altogether. You look as if you just watched your oldest child go off to college!” she said. The metaphor made him smile a little; he was simply glad that Diana had no clue how close the two really were!

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