Chapter 2) The New Pasta

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We entered the Slender Mansion and where pleasantly surprised that all hell didn't break loose. Normally we couldn't leave the house with out something happening in our absence. I did notice that Slenderman had gotten out of bed, he must of heard something because he doesn't normally get up this late. I approached the faceless man and cleared my throat to gain his attention from his book. He looked up and if he had a face I would have believed that he where slightly upset but because he didn't I wouldn't.

"Someone came while you two where gone, now my beautiful house is going to suffer through another pasta." He cried and it made me feel slightly guilty, see it started out as me and Kayden finding a young Slenderman that barley reached my knee. He was lost in the woods, the irony, and couldn't find his house anymore so I forced Kayden into helping and we found his house in no time. Though once inside we also found more children and because I'm a clearance puppy lover I kinda adopted them. But over time we found more and more people who needed a home so I provided, only under guidelines though (more on that later). I patted the faceless mans back gently as he brooded into his book.

Eventually, I had to greet the new soon to be 'Pasta so I asked Slenderman where the guest currently was to which he pointed towards the study. I walked towards the study but was stopped by a hand on my wrist I looked towards the hand then its owner. I was, pleasantly, surprised to see Slenderman 'faceing' me. He had a strong feeling around him, he felt a bit of fear and despite myself I smiled. I guess raising him and his siblings did have a sort of affect on them. I gently pried his hands off "don't worry oraiótatos" I say patting his hand before letting it drop back down. I continued towards the door of the study.

I open the door and am pleasantly surprised at what I see, a man standing in the center of the room. Though that's not what had me frozen in place.

So, how is it? I'm thinking of trying to get into a schedule let me know what you think in the comments please! Also Oraiótatos is Greek for darling, or so Google says, which I thought was a neat idea since sirens originate from Greece. Anywho like, follow, subscribe whatever it is y'all do, bye for now my loyal subjects!

Male Reader x Herobrine *Creepypasta Version*Where stories live. Discover now