Chapter 1) Happy Hunting

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     Me and Kayden had just left the mansion and were talking about where to hunt. As it were, whenever we hunted in a certain section of Forest for to long the surrounding area just began to die. So we decided to, as my friend Kayden put it, 'seasonally hunt'. Today we decided to go to one of our favorite places. A largish circular clearing with a rock in the center and a small stream flowing through. As we were walking I felt something but when I asked my friend Kayden he said he felt fine, but asked me to calm down as he could feel my nerves beginning to get the better of me.

    We finally arrive and I feel a bit better as I sit on the rock in the center. I wait for Kayden to hide in a nearby bush before I begin to lure some new victims in. Once my Guardian friend was out of sight I cleared my throat and began to sing.

~ La da da da da, I'm going to bury you in the ground ~

~ La da da da da, I'm going to bury you with my sound ~

~ He's going to drink the red from your pretty pink face ~

    I open my eyes and see about twenty people surrounding me most covered in tattoos and piercings, some holding guns. As the leader of the 'Pastas I try to influence them to only kill baddies such as convicted criminals. I continue to sing to keep my targets in a trance while Kayden takes out his own people to eat.

~ Sorry I don't treat you like a Goddess, Is that what you want me to do ? ~

~ Sorry I don't treat you like your perfect, Like all your little  loyal subjects do ~

~ Sorry I'm not made of sugar, Am I not sweet enough for you ? ~

    I stop singing and finally my victims start to come to but by that time there's only three left each tied up and on the ground. I love Kayden sometimes I think to myself as I jump down from my rock and walk over to my prey. I go to the nearest one, a short but large in the middle Hispanic man I lower myself and straddle him putting my face close to his I smile menacingly. He starts to panic so I hold his head still making eye contact and sing a new song that's as old as time itself.

~ Inside is the dark, the dark is inside ~

~ I run out of room, No places to hide ~

~ And all I can do, Is drag you into ~

~ The dark, The d-d-dark, The d-dark, The dark ~

    As I sang the mans soul lifted up through his mouth, and like all souls looked like a glowing mist his was a sickly looking green. I swallowed it and let his limp body hit the earth, then proceeded to do the same to the other two men. I finished and stood up feeling extremely full and almost fell had Kayden not appeared and caught me. "Feeling better ?" He asked smirking in an oh so annoying way. " I feel drunk" I reply standing up on my own he laughs and I punch him in the gut though it doesn't do much to him. I don't think I've explained what he is though he's a sort of vampire but he's taken to being my best friend and Guardian.  I swear the boy has some sort of sixth sense cause he always knows when to come to my rescue. Once I can walk on my own we head back to the mansion but I still can't shake the feeling that we're being watched.

Hello ! Don't kill me I know it's been like years since I last updated but I've had junk I needed to do. So I'm going to try to update more often ! Anywho comment, like, follow whatever it is y'all do! Bye for now my royal subjects !

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